It's Over

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~Todoroki POV~

It only took about two three weeks until disaster struck. I mean, I guess to anyone else it wouldn't seem like too much of a problem, but to me it was devastating. Everything with Midoriya and Bakugou was going great, at least that's what I tried to convince myself.

I was in a constant state of euphoria for the first week. The two people that I am in love with, are now BOTH dating me! I would have been lucky if at least one of them liked me back!! This is how I started to notice everything wasn't as great as it seemed.

At first, Bakugou and Midoriya both wanted to spend quite a lot of time of just the two of them. I'm pretty sure they didn't think I noticed, but I did, though I decided not too pay too much attention to it. I did, after all, get pretty much every night to cuddle with them and lots of time throughout the day to do whatever with them.

The second thing that kind of got me though, was halfway through the second week. We had been walking around at the beach after school and decided to stop for ice cream, when of course, a couple of villains decided to show up. They weren't too bad, so we decided to take them on ourselves, since we had gotten our licenses. As we were fighting, Bakugou had grabbed me and threatened me to take care of Deku and make sure he's safe. I didn't think much of it as I know he had a soft spot for the green-haired boy, but when Midoriya had run up, asking me to make sure Kachan would be alright, I felt kind of hurt. They were both making sure that I would make sure that the other was still alive and well, and yet neither of them asked or tried to make sure I was okay. After we finished off though, Izuku had ran up to hug me and say that he was glad I was alright. Because of that, I decided to not let what had happened during the fight bother me. I mean this did mean he cared about me and wanted me to be alright,...right?

But then the third thing that really, really had bugged me was that the fucking flowers just wouldn't go away. Weren't they supposed to disappear if they loved me back? That's what had happened to Midoriya when Bakugou had confessed. Maybe it was gradual. So I decided to wait. A week. Two. Three. By then I really couldn't stand it anymore. I had to confront them.

And so there I was, standing in front of both of them on that Friday afternoon. Aizawa sensei had let us off a bit earlier since he had a "meeting" (aka date) planned, so that would just give me some extra time. "S-Shouto, there something wrong?" I snap out of my thoughts as I turn to the worried freckled face. Right, we had gone to a first name basis now.

I take a shaky deep breath "well,..there's something that I've noticed recently, and,...." Should I ease into this? Should I start from the beginning? One look at Katsuki's questioning impatient look and those thoughts disappear. Screw it. "I think we should break up."

~Third Person POV~

A moment of shocked silence, followed by "w-what? Todoroki, why?" Midoriya looked worried, upset, and confused. When had this happened? Why is he doing this? Did we do something wrong? Did I do something? Izuku whimpered at all the thoughts tearing at him. Wasn't he happy to be with them? We could've done more.

Bakugou just sat in stunned silence as he looked up at the boy he once hated, eventually fell for, that's now they're boyfriend, who is now breaking up with them? The fuck had gotten into him? Just a month prior he was ecstatic at the thought of being with them and now he wanted out?

"Oi, the fuck happened?" Todoroki sends him a look, dangerously close to a glare "oh, I don't know." Ok, wow, that was not what Katsuki had expected. Sarcasm? Passive aggressiveness? From the Ice Princess? That was kind of new,..well the sarcasm bit. Izuku's fidgeting beside him, visibly nervous "c-can you tell us what exactly started this? I'm kind of confused what we did-"

Please don't go. (a BakuDeku/TodoBakuDeku fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang