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AN// first things first, I have to apologize to you all. I am SO SORRY for making you wait so long. At first I just couldn't figure out how to write the chapter and then I was at the cottage and,...yeah. Anyways, this was sort of forced, and rushed, and I'm also terrible at writing fight scenes(and in general at both), so bear with me.

~Third person POV(I'll try???)~

It appeared as though while the class of 1A was training all those months to become stronger, so were the league of villains, along with hiring new, better, stronger recruits. It was obvious that this would be nothing like their first encounter those many months back.

Bakugou wiped the sweat off his brow as he got thrown back once again. This wasn't going to be an easy fight, but everyone was going to give it all they got. They had to. There was no other option.

With a loud battle cry, Katsuki lunged at the villain, propelling himself forward with his explosions, avoiding the strength enhanced arms, stretching towards him. It was a mix of common quirks that the PopRock duo had beat previous times, but put together now, the quirks seemed at times to be too much.

No, Bakugou growled to himself, you can't think like that. You have to beat him. Snapping out of his thoughts, he just narrowly managed to miss the sharp hand clawing at the air towards him, jumping back. He felt himself being pulled back, and jumped to his feet again as soon as he hit the ground.

"What?!?" he snapped at the red spiky haired guy beside him, not taking his eyes off the villain in front of them for a second. "We gotta try a new tactic" Kirishima breathes in response, coming up beside him "direct attacks aren't seeming to work. We gotta find a blind spot. Or outsmart him. Or,-"

"I get it!!!" Kirishima frowns at the blonde for cutting him off who growls again, in frustration, and flicks his eyes to his for a second. "Alright," the blonde huffs, "I'll distract, you try to find a weak spot. Go."

And just like that, they're moving again. It's the hero Ground Zero darting in front of the clueless, but powerful, villain, diverting it's attention with his blasts. While at the same time, Red Riot weaved around it's legs, checking all around for anything that might look even the slightest bit weaker that could give them an advantage.

Farther down the town where the fight was happening, the rest of their classmates were also struggling with their fair share of villains. A few lay defeated already, scattered around the battle area, along with a few injured young heroes taking a break or being taking care of.

Nobody wanted to completely stop fighting as that would mean failing the rest of the class and their closest friends. They also knew, they had to hold the villains back as much as they could while Aizawa gathered all their teachers and more heroes to come as backup.

Todoroki had just beaten another villain, with the help of a few classmates of course, when he noticed an unmistakable flash of green. It can't be, he thought. Wasn't Deku locked up somewhere? What was he doing out?

Without telling the others, (they were busy and he didn't want to distract them), he dashed to where he spotted the boy. He stopped short when in the distance, sure enough, he could see a battered Deku, looking scared and lost, his clothes torn, covered in dirt, cuts and bruises from head to toe, and looked weaker before. It was enough to make Todoroki's eyes well up with tears "D-Deku?"

At the sound of his name, the green-haired boy whipped his head around to face the other boy. There was the flash of recognition, shock, and then something else, before he ran towards the bi-colored boys shaking arms.

"T-Todoroki!! You're alive!!! I was scared I w-wouldn't see anyone a-again!" He sobbed, shaking with each breath, and soaking Todoroki's shirt with his tears. Shouto's breath hitched as well, and he buried his face in the other mans dirty hair as to stop himself from crying.

Please don't go. (a BakuDeku/TodoBakuDeku fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now