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~Deku Pov~

Once we get to Recovery Girls office, it turns out I just have a fractured arm and a minor concussion. She fixes me up quite quickly, and while I'm still daydreaming, I don't notice how she managed to start looking into my mouth and down my throat.

I jump back, while she worriedly looks at me, wide eyed. "Izuku, long have you had it?" I shrug and look away "I don't know, not long. But it's all right. I'm used to it already." "You understand it get's worse over time. Possibly resulting in a very tragic and fatal ending." I nod, still not looking at her.

Recovery watches me for a second before continuing "Are you planning on doing anything about it? If you need financial help with the surgery, we can cover it, It is extremely expensive after all." I shake my head "I'm just going to figure it out."

She sighs and turns away from me, giving me a note for Aizawa "you know, you can't force anyone to love someone or something. That goes both ways." I nod sadly, thinking both of Kachan and Todoroki.

As she ushers me out the door, she stops me "if it gets any worse, promise me you'll let me get you the surgery." I feel tears prick the back of my eyes but I hold them back. I promise her and I head back to everyone.

It's lunch so I head to the cafeteria, looking forward to hanging out with my friends.

~Bakugou POV~

After training, I take an extra long time in the change room. Everyone had already left for lunch, meanwhile I sat crouching in the shower, a gajillion thoughts running through my mind.

Why had I reacted like that? What was the whole episode in the changeroom before training? What's wrong with Kirishima? What's wrong with Deku? Why was I so worried and protective over him?

All these thoughts swirl through my mind, stressing me more out. I growl at myself and shake my head, wanting to clear my head. I watch the water trickle through my hair, down my forehead and drip off the tip of my nose.

Why am I even acting like this around the stupid nerd? Do I have feelings for him? I frown at myself. No, no way. I don't like Deku! He's just a stupid childhood friend. That's it, just a force of habit. Then why did I make out with him so many times? And everything that happened during new years.

I think back to all those things that happened, and with all those images going through my mind, and this weird feeling, I finally come to a realization. I stand up straight, shocked as it suddenly dawns on me. "Oh my god. I love Deku!"

~Todoroki POV~

I sat leaning against the wall of an empty hall, pitying myself. I had fallen for Midoriya, but I knew that my feelings were not going to be returned. I knew he was in love with Bakugou. The orange petals littered in his locker and bag were the proof of that.

It was obvious that Bakugou cared about him as well, though to which extent, I don't know. It pained me to see the person I'm in love with, in love with someone else, though I wished him only the best, so I wanted to help in whatever way I can.

They were perfect for each other. Deku was sweet and adorable, and amazing, and though Katsuki could be quite explosive, he was really passionate and caring. And I had too admit, Midoriya was really cute, but Bakugou was pretty hot, and his character topped off his appearance.

I explode in a coughing fit, green petals littering the floor, surprising me when a few orange ones fell as well. I smirked and shook my head, annoyed with myself. I stood up, brushing myself off and wiping my mouth. In one swift movement, I burn all the evidence, and once I make sure everything's clear, I head down the other hall towards the cafeteria

Please don't go. (a BakuDeku/TodoBakuDeku fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now