So Here's The Plan,..

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~Bakugou POV~

"Listen, you either give us the location, or we're going wherever the fuck we think it is and tearing up every place" I growl. As soon as I had woken up, I had went to Aizawas office, knowing he'd still be awake. I stood across from him, where he was sitting back on a couch, glasses on and hair up in a ponytail as he graded papers.

He knew immediately what I had come for and tried to get rid of me but no such luck. Aizawa pinched the bridge of his nose as he sigh, exasperated "if you were anyone else, I'd yell at you until you backed down but I know there's no point in that." He looks up at me over the top of the rim of his glasses "and I know you really will go tearing up the city......Is the whole class coming?"

I huff at him, growing impatient "mostly. Can we hurry?" The class had told him earlier what had happened with the blackout and Shigaraki appearing on T.V. along with a battered Deku. I had also just told him the main point of what happened in my dream and shoved the note in his hands. He knew how dire the situation was.

The sleep-deprived man got up slowly and headed over to his desk, sorting through some files. "If anyone found out that I'm letting you do this I'd be in so much trouble" he grumbled, half to himself. "The class can go up ahead but I have nothing to do with this. You took the paper from my office yourself, understood?" I huff in confirmation with a roll of my eyes.

Finally he found the paper he was looking for and strode over "the staff will be right behind you when we 'realize' you're gone." He leveled me with one of his stares, holding the paper out "stay out of anything big and too dangerous until we get there." I snatch the paper away from him with a growl "this whole thing is big and dangerous." But I can't help but give him an appreciative smile as I run out the room.


As soon as I got back, I proceeded to wake everyone up with my blasts "rise and shine motherfuckers, we got someone to save." Denki had the audacity to push my hand away as he rolled over and tugged the sleeping bag up to his chin "Blasty, it's like, 3 in the morning. Chillax."

I felt my eye twitch and was about to act when Shinsou leveled me with a you-touch-him-I'll-make-your-life-a-living-nightmare glare. Reluctantly I backed off with a growl, leaving the purple fucker to take care of his own idiot.

Finally, the class was half-awake in a semi-functional state. There were grumbles all around, but a couple of them were smart enough to sit up a little straighter when they realized the importance of the situation. "Alright fuckers" I shout, not caring when they wince at the volume "we have the location so we can head off."

That got some reactions. An excited but nervous buzz filled the room. Kirishima bolts up with his shark smile "I'm ready!! When are we leaving?"

Kyouka sitting by his side, tugged on his hand "ok, but we should probably figure out the positions and a course of action first" stifling a yawn, she adds "and it wouldn't be bad to at least get some more sleep for strength." A yell of agreement came up around the group and I had to agree. I wouldn't want to be fighting on the same team if they would be this half-assed.

Reluctantly I laid back down, but after tossing and turning, and annoying everyone in the room with my grumbling in the process, I was finally held down by Kirishima and Todoroki as Yaoyurozo produced some type of sleep medicine and forced it down my throat. It didn't take long until my eyelids started drooping and I fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.


What the fuck! I'm late! Where the fuck did everyone go? I hear a giggle on the couch beside me and whip my head around to glare at round cheeks. She laughs out loud this time, seeing my lost and confused expression, and I could feel my face heat up as I glared at her. "Ahh,....sorry sorry. Your face was just hilarious."

Please don't go. (a BakuDeku/TodoBakuDeku fanfic)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu