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~Blasty POV~

It's not hard to spot the green head on the dim lighted sidewalk. He doesn't notice me, mumbling under his breath, until I'm right in front of him "hi." He looks up with a start "h-hi." He shuffles from foot to foot, looking me up and down. Fuck.

I look away flushing under his stare. It's not like I'm wearing anything new. Just my usual tight black muscle tank top, and gray sweats. Eventually, his adams apple bobs as he forces himself to look away, a blush creeping up on his cheeks. I mean,...at least he doesn't look mad?

I swallow hard "so,...well,...before you go on a rant,...I just want you to know that,..." I take a breath "I really do love you, but uh I,.." I avoid looking at him, forcing the tightness in my chest down "I,..get it if you want to break up with me."

He tries to interject but I cut him off "I deserve it." Silence. I turn to look at him. Deku's frowning up at me "well then I deserve it too." I give him a confused look "huh?" Suddenly he's shy, twiddling he's fingers as he looks at his feet "well,.. I, um,.. I might have,.. made out with him,.. last night?"

"EHH?!?" The green curls bounce wildly as he waves his arms in front of his face "I-it, it wasn't really on purpose!!! I was half-drunk and half-asleep and I kinda ended up kissing him and then he picked me up and took me to the couch and we kind of made out and once we broke for air I realized what had happened and ran back to you!! And I really didn't want to cheat on you, I promise!! And then today-"

"He made out with me." He frowns "yeah. That." He waits for a moment before looking back at me "so,.. you're not mad?" I grunt "well I'd call us pretty fucking even." He chuckles "yeah, I guess." We stare at each other before he clears his throat "well, uh,.. I actually was kind of relieved to see that you were,...getting along at least."

I cock my head at him, waiting for the nerd to continue. The hell was he going on about? He sighs "well, honestly,.. as much as I love you,.. I kinda like him too." I raise an eyebrow. "I-,..uh, I get it uf you're not okay with it, I mean I just thought since,.. never mind." He looks away, biting his lip.

"Oi, nerd." He looks at me worriedly. "I,..I kinda feel the same. If, you hadn't noticed" I mutter, shoving my hands in my pockets and kicking at the sidewalk. His green eyes widen, a small smile slowly forming on his lips.

Fuck I wanna kiss him, but it's not exactly the time. I grumble at the ground as he gushes "omigosh I'm so glad! We should talk about this with Todoroki-kun too though." "Tomorrow." "okay!" he chirps.

I look at him warily, quickly looking away once I see him grinning. Fuck, why is he so cute? And when the hell did I turn into a sap? I growl as I dig my toe into the ground. "Kachan,...are you alright?" I snap my eyes to his as I feel his hand on my arm. He's standing close, even closer now that I've turned to him, and I can see his breath in the night air, breath shallower than before.

His green eyes bore into my crimson ones, flicking down to look at my lips before quickly looking up again, but I got the hint right away. Suddenly we're grabbing onto each other, pulling each other closer, as our mouths move in sync. Our bodies flush against each others, lips moving sloppily and tongues sliding down each others throats.

He moans into my mouth sending a shiver down my spine. He lets out an "eep!" as I hoist him up, not pulling apart for a second. His legs wrap around mt waist as I grip his thighs, grunting out a muffled "my room" against his lips. He nods slightly and I head to the dorms.

After I've stumbled about twice, he realizes I'm gonna need to see where we're going so he pulls away, latching onto my neck like a fucking leech instead. I stifle a groan as he nips and sucks, leaning against the wall of the elevator for support.

Please don't go. (a BakuDeku/TodoBakuDeku fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now