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~Todoroki POV~

I don't know it started, but after school, I started swinging by Kirishima's dorm. I don't even know how, but we found out about each others problem and started texting at first and then talking. Today was one of our personal hangout days, and so there I was lying on his bed as he swiped on his phone.

We lay silent, each of us occupied in our own thoughts when I finally decide to ask the question that's been bugging me, to the only person I could possibly ask at this point. "Kirishima?" "yeah man?" he asks, not even looking up. I hesitate, mulling the question over in my mind "w-well, you know how each of are,...suffering because we're in love with someone?"

He pauses, looking up, waiting for me to continue. "And it makes a lot of sense since we each like one person,..." He cocks his head to the side, raising his eyebrow. "I j-just,..." I sigh "what do I do if I like two people?"

Kirishima's eyes widen "woah dude, you're fucked." I groan throwing my hands over my face "I know, I know. What do I do now?" He taps his chin un thought, but his face is getting excited "well, if one doesn't work, go for the other!" He leans closer "I know one's Midoriya, but he's taken." He wiggles his eyebrows at me "so who's the other lucky guy? Or gal?"

I groan again "that's the thing, he's also taken." He frowns at me "oh. Well that sucks." I barely manage a whisper "i know." And still Kirishima bounces next to me, a grin on his face "doesn't matter, maybe we can still figure it out. Who is it?" I hesitate, avoiding his eyes. Is he gonna hate me for this? "I-It's,.." He smiles at me encouragingly.

I look away, mumbling so that it's barely audible "they're together." "O-oh." "I'm sorry" I whisper. He shakes his head with a small smile "no no, I get it. He's just hard to resist huh" he chuckles. "y-yeah" I agree with a small laugh.

We sit silently for a while. I just ruined this. It's gonna be so awkward now. I'm so stupid. "So,...what are you gonna do?" I sit up, hugging my knees to my chest "I don't know." The spiky haired boy ponders this for a moment, "well, you could just tell the straight up."

I snap my head to him, mouth hanging open in shock "WHAT?!?" He shrugs "what's really the worst that can happen? I mean, probably don't say anything to Bakugou, but Deku deserves to know." I open and close my mouth like a fish before finally closing it and nodding once.

He is right. Midoriya's nice enough that he won't make it a big deal. Besides, he already knows that I like him. And if I get rejected again, I'll just be back where I am right now. And that's not too bad, right? I take a deep breath, nodding "okay." He looks up at me, big eyes "yeah?" I nod again, more surely this time "yeah."

\(*^*)/ ~ \(>-<)/ ~ \(*^*)/

Later that night, I couldn't sleep, so there I stood, leaning against a counter in the kitchen. There was some bottles of beer in the fridge and since tomorrow was a Saturday, I figured, why not? So there I was, around four in the morning, in the kitchen with a bottle of beer in one hand and scrolling through my phone with the other.

How the hell was I supposed to approach Midoriya about this? I groan out loud, when I hear something outside the kitchen. I pause, listening, when suddenly there's a short figure in the doorway. I hold my breath as it approaches.

And lo and behold, all of a sudden there's a green-haired, half-asleep angel in front of me, basked in the light of the open refrigerator. He's wearing an oversized shirt that almost reaches his knees. I stare in awe at the barefooted creature.

He notices me, looking at me through half-lidded eyes. "Oh, hey Todoroki" he mumbles coming up to me and taking a swig from my bottle. "H-hi." He giggles "what are you doing here so late?" I swallow the lump in my throat "couldn't sleep. You?" He sighs "same here." We stand in silence when I finally work up the courage "Midoriya, I-I have something I need to tell you."

Please don't go. (a BakuDeku/TodoBakuDeku fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now