What happened?!?

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I wake up with a splitting headache. I groan and try to get up, but am stopped by a large muscular arm around. I freeze and feel my face heat up the hell happened last night?

I try not to freak out as I turn to see who it belongs to. I clamp my hand over my mouth to not let any noise out. Carefully, I slip out from under his arm and tiptoe over to the bathroom.

 Quickly, and quietly, I close and lock the door. I smush my face into a towel and scream. When I've calmed down a bit, I look at my reflection in the mirror. 

I turn and observe myself 'well, nothing hurts, and I don't see any Hickey's or marks, so I think I'm good.' 

I frown at myself 'then what the hell was he doing in my bed?' I sit down and try to recall some of yesterday's events. 

I remember helping set up for the party, hanging out on the balcony with the boys, bakugou somwhat confessing to not hating me, spilling the tea about Kacchan to Mina and Ochaco. 

I remember drinking outside with Kachan,.... and vaguely I remember,... kissing,...him?

 I shake my head. No, that couldn't have happened. Kachan hates me. I remember more drinking and,....more,...kissing? Not only with Katsuki though. 

Holy shit how much did I drink?  I splash my face a couple of times to cool it. Ok,..ok,..maybe Uraraka remembers? I pull out my phone and shoot her a text.

'what happened last night?!? I don't remember anything!!!' I wait a minute or two, but when she doesn't answer, I decide to call her.

She answers right as it was about to go to voicemail "Ugh. Deku, it's only 8 in the morning. What's wrong?" "What happened last night???" I practically yelled into the phone.

She's silent for a second, and then slyly, says "...like with me and Mina, or,...." I giggle "no. I mean I'd love to hear about that, but later. I mean,..with me,...at the party. And after."

She laughs "I was planning on asking you that. You were really out there." I can hear her smirk through the phone "Also,..how was the after party?"

I turn a deep scarlet "that's the thing! I don't remember what happened! And yet, here he is in my bed!!!" 

I hear her freaking out on the other end "Shut up! Actually??" I sigh "yeah, but nothing hurts and there's no marks or Hickey's so I have no idea."

"Awe. That sucks." "Ochaco!!!" She giggles "what? He looks good. I wouldn't be able to resist." I sigh again "fair. But i-" I stop when I notice something.

"Chaco? I think he did leave a mark." "Aboihbqsqiuhxhjwqbdqxuhbadwyu WHAT?!?" I run my fingers over it "ya, on the side closer to the back of my neck. There's a small Hickey,...and,..bite marks." I can hear her clap her hands "OoOoh! The make out was getting really heated!!!"

I blush "I geuss so, but I still need you to tell me everything that happened yesterday." She sighs, "okay, let's see. Mina and Denki caught you two kissing out front, then you couldn't find Bakagou so you started drinking a little with some other people, ummm,....then you were just walking around talking with people,..and then you disappeared for a bit, and when you came back you seemed really pissed about something. Ummm,... Let's see. Oh yeah, then you really started drinking and ended up dancing a lot, and making out with a lot of people under the mistletoe, eventually ended up making out with Todoroki, Katsuki showed up, caused a scene, and led you away." She pauses "Oh yeah! Right! And then I caught him carrying you off to the elevator, all while making out."

I sit silently, trying to process everything she just told me. "Hello? Deku-kun? You still there?" I nod, then remembering she can't see me, "yeah, I'm still here."

"Right, so I wanted to ask you,...what does he taste like?" "Ochaco!!!" "What?!?" "I didn't fuck him!!!" She giggles "I know. Yet. But still, you were the one kissing him and his neck."

I try to remember. I remember the warmth of his lips and how they felt against mine, and running down my neck. Without thinking, I lick my lips.

I blush, even though no one saw me. "Caramel" I whisper. "What?" She asks confused. "I remember the faint taste of caramel."

"Mmm, that'd be nice. Though I'd imagine him with something other than sweet." "That's true" I mumbled. 

"Y'know,.." she says "Mina tastes like bubblegum, and apparently I taste like toffee. I wonder,...what do you taste like?" I turn red again "I-I don't know. No one's ever really tasted me before. You need to have sex to really get the flavour."

She's silent and then it hits me "wait,...did you and Mina do it?" She hesitates "last night. After the party. We were drunk and,,..yeah."

I clap my hands "Omigosh Ochaco! So you're not a virgin anymore? Wow. No need to explain yourself. How was it????,... without the details please."

She giggles and then sighs "Ah,...it was amazing!" I chuckle "Wow 'Chaco. Never you to lose your virginity so fast."

She laughs "Shut up! You were close! Anyways, I got to go. And you need to go talk to your prince charming!" "No!  Chaco! Wait!" "Byeeee! Love you!" And she hangs up.

I sigh "love you too." I examine myself once more, and then hoist myself up. I shuffle back to the bedroom, preparing myself to go talk to Kachan.

Please don't go. (a BakuDeku/TodoBakuDeku fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now