Week After Week

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~Bakugou POV~

As soon as I had calmed down, I found myself storming down the hall, only to run into Aizawa. Without hesitating, he just asked me to take him to the 'crime scene' and urgently followed me down the hall to the study. There was a lot of examining, questions, and pictures for evidence, before he hurried out, stating that he needed to discuss the course of action with the rest of the staff.

What did he mean,... without me? I stomped down the hall after him. "Oh hell no," I roar "I'm coming too." He stopped me with his this-is-not-the-time-for-this glare "Bakugou no. You have to stay here. It won't help if you're there." I growl "If I'm not allowed to go with you, I'll go rescue him myself." Hell, that was sounding like a good idea.

After staring at me for a long time, he finally sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose "I don't have time for this. Fine. You can come. As long as you don't go yourself." There was no need to argue about how the matter didn't concern Bakugou, as that had been 'discussed' multiple times between the two, especially when a pissed Bakugou started yelling about his sensei's secret relationship with Present Mic. That had been followed by a hissed agreement that Katsuki would be allowed to do whatever concerning his boyfriend (to an extent), as long as the relationship between Aizawa and his loud English teacher would not be mentioned again.

Anyways, back to the current situation. After sending a mass email to all the staff, fifteen minutes later they were gathered in a meeting room, along with the angry blonde. The meeting seemed to have no point really at first, until All Might finally brought up how exactly they were going to rescue them.

I growl under my breath "I say we just go and murder them all and get Deku back." Aizawa sighs, looking exasperated, as he rubs tiny circles at his temples "As much as I would love to do that it's not that easy." I glare at him "and why the fuck not?" As much as I know why, especially after my second year of being here, my scared brain decides to blurt exactly that.

When your boyfriend, the most precious thing in your life, has been captured just down the hall from you, by a group of villains, there is no fucking way to think rationally. Trust me. As much as I know that there was nothing I could've done, the guilt eats away at me. I could've went with him, I could've went to check on him, I could've not let him go, I could've-

"Well we know that the league of villains was involved, so we need to know their whereabouts. We also need to know their intentions. Was he targeted, or are they using him as bait,..." I feel like I've been punched in the gut. Would they really use him as bait? Who do they want this time? Me again? Or is it All Might? What if they're trying to get One for All from him? What if-.

My worst thought is voiced by Mic sensei "we also need to know what exactly they're doing to him and his condition. What if he's being tortured? We don't want them to find out about our mission, or else we could finally arrive there to find him-"

I can't listen to any more. I stand up hurriedly, causing my chair to screech and fall over, as I rush into the privacy of the hall. I can't think like that. There's no way he's hurt. They wouldn't dare. And even if they did, he would fight back. He would survive. My Deku was fighter, he'd get through it, there's no way he could-.

I crumple to the floor and a sob escapes as an image of a lifeless Deku flashes in my mind. That time when he sprained his arm and passed out had almost killed me. I wouldn't be able to live through anything worse than that. But I know he's strong. All the missions he'd gone on, and fights he'd been in proved that. I wipe at my eyes and stand up hastily, brushing myself off.

I burst back into the meeting room, where they're still discussing the possibilities of how the mission could go wrong. They stop when they see my enraged expression. "Listen hear you shits," I growl "Deku is a fighter, and always has been. I know my boyfriend will be fighting back as best he can, and I want to do everything in my capabilities to help him with that. I know he's going to be just fine, and I don't want to hear any of you saying anything other than that. Do I make myself clear?"

Please don't go. (a BakuDeku/TodoBakuDeku fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now