I'm Sorry

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~Deku POV~

On the way to school, Kachan stays next to me, occasionally putting an around me, and then, as if changing his mind, putting it down.

The rest of the morning goes by like usual, though I'm not sure if I'm imagining it or not, but it seems like I'm coughing up less petals.

Another class needed the training arena later in the day so we're going this period, right before lunch. In the change room, I replace my previous mask with the mask from my costume.

As I change, I see Kaminari bugging Kachan. I watch from a distance, giggling to myself. Katsuki rips his costume accidentally and starts yelling at a laughing Denki. I laugh too, and on their own, my eyes run over Kachans body.

The rip goes down the middle, revealing his muscular form. My eyes trace the outlines of his muscles, when I notice him catch me, and blush. He smirks and winks at me, which doesn't help my current situation. I quickly look away, embarrassed.

Unfortunately, I see Kirishima volunteer to go with Katsuki, and follow him out the door to fix his costume. I sniffle and turn to my locker, coughing up a few petals. Quickly, I cover everything up, and I'm just about to close my locker, when I jump at a familiar voice calling my name.

I turn slowly, "y-yes Todoroki?" He frowns at me "I was asking, are you all right?" I smile at him "o-of course! Why wouldn't I b-be?"

His eyes search me worriedly, but then he just sighs and drops his shoulders "Midoriya. I just wanted to say, I understand if you don't trust me anymore. I wouldn't either. And I'm really sorry, I really am. I wasn't thinking, and it just happened and I,...I'm sorry. I don't know if there's anyway I could make up it. I understand if you don't want to be my friend anymore."

His expression sags as he starts turning away and I can feel my heart shatter. "Todoroki! I,..um." I look up at him "I'll never forget, but I do forgive you. Of course we can still be friends. And I do trust you, though I will be a bit jumpy probably. But I do hope we can get past all that."

He nods rapidly, "Yes. Friends. Me too. Thank you." I giggle "now you're the one with speech problems."

He chuckles, and I wrap my arms around him, happy that this is all over with. He puts his arms around me too, and we stand there laughing, in an empty changing room.

I hear the door creak open and all of a sudden, there stands Kachan, mouth hanging wide open. I let go of Todoroki, but don't step away yet, just in case I'll need to stop one of them. Kirishima pats his shoulder "its okay bro, let's go. Let's not start anything."

Bakugou ignores him and just growls at us "step away from him." I'm not sure which one of us he's talking to, so I take a step back, but Shouto pulls me back beside him, willing to take on the challenge "or what?"

Bakugou sneers back at him "or else you're gonna regret it." Todoroki scoffs "oh really? How exactly?" I step in between them "let's,..not,..do this. At least here."

They gently push me to the side. I stare at them in shock. They're inches apart, Todoroki towering over Katsuki. I can't hear what they're whispering but its obvious that its making Kachan more furious.

Kirishima seems nervous, playing with his fingers beside me. At the same time, both of us notice how they're about to fight and quickly step in.

Kirishima gets to Bakugou first, so I take Todoroki. Katsuki is fuming, so to not give them another chance to fight, I grab Shouto and pull him out the door to the arena.

"I-I'm sorry" he whispers. My face is burning, and I feel myself boiling over "do NOT do that again. I don't want you two fighting. If I find out it happened again,.."

Todoroki nods silently and I breath a sigh of relief. I can't have my two favourite boys fighting. I realize I'm shaking, the fight scaring me a bit. I calm myself a bit, and head to training.

Aizawa doesn't seem to care that we're late, so we listen eagerly, trying to make it up.

As Aizawa explains myself getting more and more excited, so when he asks for a volunteer, my hand is the first to shoot up.


Please don't go. (a BakuDeku/TodoBakuDeku fanfic)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu