Finally Together

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~Midoriya POV~

I had burst into recovery girls office declaring that she need not worry, the problem is fixed. She came up to me squealing and clapping her hands, giving me a baggie with some stuff to help my moot and throat heal along with some candies and an envelope.

Bakugou had surprisingly sat quietly and patiently as he got his arms wrapped up, staring at me the whole time. I squirmed under his gaze, my face only getting redder and redder.

As soon as we left her office, the bell had rung, signaling it was time for Kachan to head to class. He kissed the tip of my nose, giving me a long hug. I had already told Aizawa I wouldn't be in class but now I was slightly regretting that decision. I nuzzled his neck, not wanting to let go. He kissed my forehead making me smile into his neck.

The second warning bell rang "you should probably head to class. Aizawa might get pissed." Bakugou scoffed at me "so what? Fuck Aizawa!" My face turns red "I'd rather f-fuck you" I whisper more to myself. I feel him blush but then he just chuckles and shakes his head. "Promise you'll come by my room after?" I mewl.

He nods and I pull back just a bit, my lips brushing against his, teasing him. "I'll be waiting for you" I practically purr to him making him go red before turning around with a smirk, swinging my hips as I walked away.


I headed back to my dorm room, a slight skip in my step, the previous events running through my mind. As I walk down the hall, I decide to make a pit stop at Kachans room first. Surprisingly the door isn't locked and I waltz in, breathing everything in. I snag a shirt from his closet and pull it on, leaving mine crumpled on his bed. His shirt is too big on me, reaching just past where my boxer line is.

I close the door carefully and head back to my room happily. I jump onto my bed deciding to go through what recovery girl gave me. I put the medicine carefully on my drawer and pop a candy in my mouth.

I open the envelope to find a careful handwritten note; 'Izuku Midoriya! I'm so happy for you! You've finally found what you've been looking for and I wish you all the best. Also, be careful and be safe. I know you'll try to be as long as you don't get too excited but I don't know about Bakugou so I enclosed a little surprise! Have fun!' I turn over the note but its blank on the other side.

Confused I look into the envelope and almost choke. There inside is the silver packaging of a condom. I bury my burning in my hands. What the fuuuck?! Recovery girl did this? I chuckle and smush face into my pillow. But do you think we would,..? Images and ideas slide into my head making the situation worse.

I shut my eyes though anyways, imagining what could happen. I bite my lip, feeling welling up inside of me. A yawn escapes my lips and I realise how tired I am, and my head's still dizzy from before so I decide to take a nap. I close my curtains and slip out of my pants and under the covers, falling asleep to the fantasies running through my mind.

~Bakugou POV~

Sitting in class during a lecture was such a chore, but especially when you wanted to be somewhere else, doing something else. I think back to Deku's words from before 'I'd rather fuck you.' I bite my lip. Oh no Deku, I'd be the one fucking you. An image pops into my mind making me shiver in delight. I see Ochaco shoot me a look out of the corner of my eye and I stick my tongue out at her making her roll her eyes. I turn back to the notes I was writing down only for Deku. I look at the clock and groan. Time can't move any slower


As soon as class is over, I pack up at an incredible speed, bolting out the door, but just my luck, the halls are completely crowded making it impossible to get through. I hear a giggle above me and look up to see Ochaco and Mina float past. I growl at them, trying to catch up.

Surprising even myself, I reach up to them "Hey! Take me with you." Ochaco scoffs at me and Mina just shrugs. I growl. "Please. I can blast us forward once we get outside." They hesitate and then finally oblige. "But you have to stick with us. If you try to go off on your own, you're going down. Understood?" Ochaco points at me. I grab onto Mina "Understood. Just get us the fuck outta here faster." They nod and we finally get out of the building, my blasts making us reach the dorms quicker.

As soon as I get inside though, I let go of them, trying to float myself up to our floor, when suddenly I fall back to the ground. The smug duo floats past me upward "I warned ya. Now you have to go on your own." I growl at her, little explosions bursting from either hand. Mina wags a finger at me "ah ah ah. You can't use your explosions inside. You'll destroy everything again." I grumble to myself as I race to the elevator, punching the buttons as if it will make it go faster.

Finally I make it to our floor, the girls a bit in front of me, running in the direction of his room. I let out a deep growl as I burst into a full-on sprint, getting closer and closer. I reach them just as they reach his door, all of us tumbling in as the door swings open.

A startled Deku sits under his covers, staring at us wide-eyed. The girls rush over to him immediately, bombarding him with questions. I look over him, his hair a bit messy, a slight blush on his cheeks, his freckles dancing as he talks and,...wait is that my shirt?

I cover my mouth and look away as a deep blush crawls onto my face. He notices that I noticed and flushes, giving me a small wave with his adorable ass flustered smile. I walk to him, wrapping an arm around his shoulder and leaning down to give him a kiss. The girls awe, making Deku blush even more.

I smirk and sit down next to him, an arm around his waist. After a few minutes of them talking, Deku begins to yawn. I shoo the girls out and lock the door, laying under the covers next to him. He looks down "wait, no. not in your dirty clothes!" I shrug and pull off my pants, tossing them aside. He blushes and looks away.

I keep my shirt on as we snuggle into each other. I plant little kisses all over his neck, face, shoulders, everywhere I can get, drawing giggles from him. I continue, but the kisses start getting a little bit more rough and hurried, making Deku breath heavily and his face getting redder and redder. I can't get enough, but eventually Deku stops me with a firm kiss on my lips. I watch him, overwhelmed with ecstasy. He leans his head against my chest, trying to steady his breath. "Later. I promise. I'm too tired right now" he whispers, yawning again.

I nod and wrap my arms around him tighter, not daring to let go. He fell asleep quickly, while I lay there, the sound of his steady breathing, his heart beating. I brushed his hair gently with my fingers, holding the thing most precious to me close, grateful that this has finally happened. Eventually the sound of my breathing mixed with his, both of us sound asleep.


Please don't go. (a BakuDeku/TodoBakuDeku fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now