• forty-eight •

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MinJung's POV

I lean against my bedroom's window staring longingly at the night sky.

At this point, I think I don't know what else to do and moreover, what to even feel with all of this.

Not at how my father accept to change the occasion to a wedding.

I can't believe this. 'I'm getting married like what the fuck just happened?'

It's already 11:45 pm when my cellphone suddenly blinking with a message from someone I've been thinking all day long...

Hey :)

Just from a simple 'Hey' from him makes my heart skips a beat.

I get up from my leaning position as I take my cellphone beside me staring at the message still feeling disbelief.

It's been two months since the last time we talked. Two months since I said we couldn't do this anymore.

Two months that I spent trying to avoid everything that remind me of him.


I type and hit send.

My hands are cold and trembling as I immediately regret this. I wasn't ready for this. I shouldn't have replied to his message.

"Damn you, Minjung." I mutters under my breathe.

'But I miss him so much. I need to be honest at this one. At least.. to myself.'

Are you busy?

Not really. Why?

I'm outside. Can you go out for a while?

And I did.

Here I am.

In his car's shotgun seat. He's wearing a black hoodie. The one we got together and I'm drunk by his familiar scent.

He look at me and give me his usual smile and by just that, my heart goes for a roller coaster ride.

"Sorry for bothering you this late, Min."

And again, my heart skips a beat as he calls me by my nickname he gave me.

I let out a small smile. "It's okay. Are you okay?"

I stares back at him. He looks a little bit skinnier and weary. His faint dark circles shows his lack of sleep.

'I guess both of us are really affected. I wonder if he knows about my wedding already.' I sadly thought.

"I've been better." He smiles at me dismissively before reaching something from the back seat.

"Here," He hands me a a paper cup with a familiar cafe logo.

A cup of hot caramel macchiato from my favourite coffee shop.

"This is my apology for showing up this late."

"Thanks." I reaches for the cup in his hold as his fingertips slightly touches my hand. A wave of warmness spreading through my body.

He just give me a small smile and starts the engine of his car,

"Where do you want to go?"

"Wherever you want to."

I can see his small smile still played on his lips as he nod his head to me starting to drive his car.

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