• thirty-one •

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MinJung's POV

"Minjung, wait!"

I climbs down the car leaving SeungCheol and his father, Uncle Minseok running inside the hospital.

I jogs towards the counter breathing heavily.

"What floor is Choi MinJae and Choi MinHo?" I quickly said ignoring the nurses stares at my face.

They looks at me as if I have mental problems, probably can't brain how an ugly girl asked about those two successful entrepreneurs.

"May I ask who are you?" The nurse raises an eyebrow.

"Can't you just tell me which floor they are?!" I accidentally raises my voice to them.

"We can't tell patient's information to outsiders, sorry." The nurses tries to brush me off.

I frustratedly hold my bob red color wig.

"I'm their family for Pete's sake! I'm Choi Minjung!" I said in frustration.

They looks at me in horror.


Uncle Minseok breathily calls my name and holds my shoulder wanting to talk to the nurses.

But of course, at the sight only Uncle Minseok and SeungCheol, the nurses know that they are related.

Who doesn't know the Choi Family? Except for me.

"Mr. Choi MinJae, 4th floor, Room 5. Mr. Choi MinHo, 4th floor but he is still in the emergency room."

I quickly got to the 4th floor as fast I can.

'Please be okay. Both of you.' I thought in panic.

I lean against the wall opposite with Minho Oppa's emergency's room with mix feelings.

"Please be okay, Oppa. Don't leave me. Just don't leave me...yet." I murmurs quietly looking down to my feet closing my eyes.

I crouches down with negative thoughts in my mind.

SeungCheol tries to comfort me as my tears keeps on running down my cheeks non-stop.

"Minjung, please don't cry. Or else you're going to ruin your makeup." He said trying to pat my back not knowing what to do.

[Yall probs wonder how the hell Minjung got da time to wear her makeup. But hell yeah, queen got da time.]

I hold SeungCheol's arm trying to find some strength to face all of this as he crouches down beside me too despite there's a literally a bench beside us.

Uncle Minseok silently take a seat on the bench waiting patiently.

SeungCheol sighs softly before pulling me into a hug patting my shoulder slowly.

I wipes my tears continuously while millions of negative thoughts in my head.

"SeungCheol, Minjung, I'm going to see Uncle MinJae for a while."

Uncle Minseok said patting my head as SeungCheol just nod his head letting his father go.

SeungCheol looks at me. "Stop crying, Minjung. You're making me cry too."

"Ask my tears. They're the ones that keeps coming out." I said in sorrow.

He smiles softly wanting to reply to my sentences but got cut off by some annoying high pitch octopus.

"What are you doing here, bitch?"

I look at the source of voice knowing who she is already. JiHyun, my brother's 'beloved' girlfriend.

'Maybe I'll Wait' || Seventeen WonwooHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin