• forty-three •

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I can finally update after recovering my account back!

So good to be back here! 😭❤️

I hope to see my readers again 🙈


MinJung's POV

I stares at the bracelet that Wonwoo gave me before looking forward appreciating the night view as the wind passes by me breezely.

I let out a sad smiles softly. 'Is it worth it, Minjung?'

Is it worth it to sacrifice for a love I've longed from my childhood crush until now?

If I asks anyone, anyone would tell me to choose Jun over Wonwoo.

Of course.

Jun is the perfect man to be our significant other. I won't deny that.

It is every women's dream to have a man like Wen JunHui. There is nothing he lack off.

But is it worth it to have a man like JunHui and leave the one that you loves dearly?

I would never know which one is more important and worth to won over.

Do we have to choose love or money?

Love can gives you happiness but we need to be financially stable to achieve that too.

Money can gives you the life you wanted but will you receive happiness? Of course you do.

The happiness of living without having to worry about our expenses. But can we receive the happiness that we all needed? The happiness from loving our my partner.

These questions have been hunting my life since I left Wonwoo two months ago.

I fiddles with the bracelet more trying to hold in my tears of frustration.

"Fuck, why my life is so dramatic? Why God chose me to lead a life like this? I'm not special."

I grumbles while wiping off my tears roughly before stopping when I hear a familiar voice.

"Maybe because you are special, Minjung. God chose us to lead a life that we are in right now because He believes that we can get through it."

I look to my side as the person sits besides me looking up to the night sky like I do.


Yumi looks at me and smiles with her eyes getting teary.

"Hey Minjung, my baby."

I bursts into a small laugh and my tears starts to fall down as she pulls me into a long bear hug that we haven't share for so long.

I cries onto her shoulder uncontrollably as she pats my back lightly while sniffling.

We pull away as she wipes my tears away looking into my eyes.

"I miss this. I miss us." She says.

"Me too." I said nodding my head.

She turns back to me putting her hand on the side of my head.

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry, Minjung. I don't know what got into me until I pushed you aside just because of a guy. A guy that never interfere our life but here he is making us confused."

She looks down wiping her tears away as she takes a deep breathe.

"I'm sorry for making our friendship ruined. I'm sorry for being selfish. I'm sorry for avoiding you but I don't do it anymore because I can't stand being far apart from you. I can't sleep at night knowing well that you and Wonwoo clearly love each other. So, I'm letting him go for good. For you, Minjung."

'Maybe I'll Wait' || Seventeen WonwooTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon