• thirty-eight •

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MinJung's POV

"Looking like an actual girl, Capt."

Ying said faking a punch on my shoulder as I scoffs at her playfully because of my new haircut.

"Thanks... I guess?" I said sitting down beside my backpack on the bench near our basketball court.

"Why didn't you attend school earlier though? You're coming for practice anyway." She asks gulping down her bottle down waiting for my response.

I sighs. "I"

"Do you know that Wonwoo has been asking me about you these past few days? He's been pestering on me. People thought I put a love potion on him." She said.

I looks at her knowing exactly what is she trying to say.

'He must've knew.' I shakes my head at the thought.

"So what did you say to him?" I glances towards her.

"I said I'm just your friend not your 'servant' friend." Ying said without a guilt.

"Can't you be at least kind for once?" I said sighing at her cold behavior.

"I can't. I love being mean and make people mad. It's enjoyable." She sarcastically smile before squinting her eyes to me.

I raises an eyebrow to her. "What?"

"I actually find it weird why does he seems so eager to find you? Like, he's anxious and maybe mad at the same time? He looks like he really wanted to meet you. What have you done tho?"

I sighs. "Long story can't be shorten."

"Well... I won't ask anything. Anyway, I love your hair. Did you get it done at the-"

"Yes, I get it done there. The saloon that cost us 4 dollars for a single strand of hair." I said cutting her off.

She gasps. "You used your money?!"

"Of course not." I shakes my head.

She scoffs instantly. "Of course, what do I even have to expect from a stingy person like you?"

"Say that again and I'll tell Soonyoung that you-"


I stop threatening Ying letting her shirts collar go when I saw that Wonwoo was literally towering over me and Ying.


"Can we talk? We haven't spend any time together for so long."

He cut me off again and pull me up from my seat to somewhere far from Ying and my other teammates.

"B-but my practice is still-"

"It's okay! Girls! Practice end today!"

I look back to Ying to find her holding up a thumbs up laughing evilly leaning against the bench waving to me while mouthing a 'bitch, whatever you've done, you're fucking dead.'

And you know what? She's fucking right.

I bites my lips muttering. "I'm fucking dead."

We exits the school to the Han River we always went to with Wonwoo's leading making me more anxious.

The journey was full of silence with maybe a lot of crickets sounds, if you ask for my opinion.

I glances towards him as he mutes walking beside me wearing his black leather jacket on such a hot day.

He's exaggerating sometimes but I love that on him.

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