"Oh wow," She thought. Natasha didn't know about Harley or who he was. But if Rhodes invited him, this kid might be someone really special.

"Did you get presents?"

"I'll tell Peter and Harley to go get some, thanks for the reminder."

She chuckled. How did they forget the presents?

"We're here! Drive-thru or order inside?" Happy asked.

"Drive-thru! It's faster!" Tony yelled.

"The line looks a bit long though, I think ordering inside would be faster today."

"Happy's right Tony, the line is a bit long. We should order inside. Happy park the car." Pepper agreed.

"Nooo! Go through the drive-thru!" Tony pouted.

Pepper gave him "that look" and he stopped whining immediately.

Happy parked the car and they all somewhat agreed that Natasha should go order inside herself, with Tony's money of course.

7 minutes was long enough for Tony to start complaining.

"What's taking her so long? All you have to do is go inside, and place your order." He crossed his arms.

"And before you place your order, you have to wait for other to place theirs too." Pepper said back.

"And after you place your order, you wait for your food." Happy added.

"Eight minutes is plenty of time for all of that."

"Have you ever ordered before?" Pepper asked with a raised brow.


She stared at him.

"In the drive-thru."

She looked back on her phone. "The drive-thru is very different than ordering inside, Tony. You should try it sometime."

"See we should've ordered in the drive-thru then!"

"You have no where to go anyways."

"My house is in danger!" He threw his arms up.

"Just wait a bit longer, Natasha should be out soon."

A couple minutes go by with bored Tony. He was looking out the window when he spotted a Natasha with a Burger King bag in one hand and a strawberry milkshake in the other.

Tony acting quickly, opened the door on the other side of the car for her to get in.

"Thanks, Tony." Natasha said as she got in the car.

"Cheese burger first." He held out a hand.

Natasha rolled her eyes and placed the cheeseburger in his hand.

"Here Pepper." She handed her her strawberry shake.

Pepper took a sip from it before saying, "Thanks Tasha."

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