Would the recipe even work?

        Again, my monkey mind. 

        "I'm here because I need to tell you what happened this morning," Jaxon said firmly. "I don't want to waste time. I also think you'll need to sit down for this."

        I listened. I sat down on one of the chairs below my main seat. Jaxon followed. He looked worried, frowning as he placed himself next to me. I braced for it. I already had thick skin, but I think I grew a few inches thicker as of now.

        Jaxon cleared his throat, gently placing a hand on my knee. "The government officials don't think you're fit to be Empress. They think it's too soon, and that you meddle with state affairs too much."

        I gulped.

       "They have this conspiracy that you're scheming with enemies to distract the Emperor," Jaxon explained calmly. "They're afraid you're trying to usurp his throne, either to become more powerful than the Emperor, or you're working under someone."

       I scoffed. "That's ridiculous, but I can see why they'd think that. I practically gave him an idea he followed through with. During assembly, I attended and they didn't expect me to come up with that."

        "They're ignorant," Jaxon studied me for a while. "They stated they're skeptical on your background—how you were an orphan and then lived on a farm. And also on how you know how to fight... even saying that's your only talent."

        Of course. They've already doubted me, they'll doubt me again. I was so tired of this nonsense that I wanted to act on impulse. There was a banquet coming up and the higher-ranking state officials would be present.

        I've already been ridiculed for knowing how to defend myself, ironically enough. I wasn't going to take it any longer. They wanted to see talent? I'll give them the talent they want to see in a consort. I rose from my chair quickly, leaving Jaxon to look up at me in confusion.

        Jaxon stood up after me. He fixed his stare into my eyes. "Oh no. What are you thinking about? You're hiding a smile."

        "Jaxon, you'll just have to wait and see," I responded playfully.

        I stood in the open entrance of the hall the banquet was set in. The smell of wine, food, and the sound of lingering conversations almost intoxicated me. To back down, was not a choice. I led the group of concubines behind me, with me being in front with the only blue attire. I felt the eyes fixate on me, some filled with loathing.

        "Warm blessings to Your Majesties," we chimed, bowing to the man and the mother-in-law we shared. I smiled innocently, ignoring the piercing stare from Chang Ying. The Emperor gave us a gentle smile, then nodding approvingly at me.

        With grace, I looked around in the room, making solid eye contact with Jaxon. I looked at the officials longer. I took a few steps forward trying to remain my composure. With the immense training of etiquette and mannerism, I learned to walk with a perfect posture. The hall we were in was spacious. The more I look around, the less I am afraid of falling.

        When we reached the center, I bowed again. "I have been choreographing this dance with my fellow sisters. As a high-ranking consort, I felt I was responsible to entertain you, Empress Dowager, and Your Majesty. It is a pleasure for me to entertain the guests."

        "Yes," Hua Yang, sitting very close but below the Emperor, beamed at me. She then turned to the Empress Dowager. "Ying Yue is too talented, Mother... The ability to protect herself and delicately dance, I have no words."

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