26) Wedding.

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Jaehee woke me up at 6 o'clock in the morning, bouncing up and down with excitement.
"Alright, alright Jae. I'm up." I rubbed my eyes and yawned, taking the cup of coffee she was waving in front of me. "Thanks."
"Have you decided what you're gonna do with your hair?"
"Yeah. I'm going to the salon later to get it done." The ceremony wasn't even until 4 pm, I really don't understand why-or how- Jaehee was so energetic.
She nodded and left to go make breakfast. I got out of bed to use her shower, making sure to let her know beforehand.
When I got out, Seven called me. I went out into the kitchen and put him on speaker.
"GOOD MORNING (Y/N)" He yelled excitedly.
"Good morning, Jaehee's here too, Seven."
"Hi." She said.
"How are you up so early? Jae had to shake me awake."
"I'm excited, (Y/n)! This is the best day of my life!" It was kinda funny, Seven sounded like a fangirl heading to a comic con.
"I'm excited too, and it's not even my wedding!" Jaehee cheered.
"We're eating breakfast, what are you doing?"
"Zen and Yoosung are here, say hi!"
"HEY (Y/N)!" Yoosung said, yelling over Zen's calm "Hello."
"Hi everyone." Jaehee and I replied.
"Yoosung kept us up all night with his undying excitement. He couldn't shut up."
"W-What?! That was you, Seven you idiot!" I heard Yoosung yell as Zen agreed.
"Oh... I think I understand the feeling." I grinned, eyeing Jaehee as she giggled.
"Okay, I gotta go now..." He paused. "AAHHH- I'm so excited! Okay, I love you!"
"I love you too." I said, hearing Yoosung and Zen "awww" quite loudly.
"You're awfully calm, (Y/n)." Jaehee said as the hairstylist styled my hair.
"Yeah, it's weird. Of course I'm excited, I've been waiting for this for years, but I don't think it's set in yet."
She nodded, and watched the hairstylist.
I walked out the salon, my pajamas making a startling contrast to my lightly curled hair. It was pinned up and held together with adorable pearl bobby pins I had found at the place I bought my dress from.
"Your hair looks amazing!" Jaehee gleamed. I thanked her and we drove to her apartment.
For the rest of the afternoon (or at least until we had to leave), we spent time doing my makeup, and getting ready. Jaehee's hair was done as well, putting it up in a sleek ballerina-bun, adding blush pink flowers around it. She was my maid of honor, so I made sure her dress was a different style from the rest. It was a long, sleek, navy blue gown with sleeves that came off her shoulders.
I had on natural makeup, long pearl earrings, and elegant ivory stiletto heels.
"I'll put my veil on when we get there." I said. "And that dress looks amazing on you!"
"Thank you... Oh!" She suddenly started. "I forgot to give this to you."
She disappeared into her room, coming back after a split second to hand me a small box, with a note attached. It read,
Yes, this is the super top secret thing I was looking for last night. I hope you like it, and I hope to see you wearing it today.
-Saeyoung <3
"I had Seven drop off the pizza last night, so he could sneak this in." She simpered.
I opened the box to reveal a gorgeous silver necklace, with two hearts connecting. One heart was detailed with my birthstone, the other with his.
On the back of the charm the words "I love you to the moon and back." Were engraved in Seven's handwriting. I almost cried at the sight of it. I rushed to the bathroom to put it on, (and make sure my makeup didn't smear).
Then, as Jaehee excitedly watched, I called Seven.
"Helloooooo." He answered almost instantly.
"Saeyoung... The necklace is so beautiful... You asshole! I'm going to cry..." I smiled into the phone, my eyes watering.
"I know, I'm good." He laughed.
"I love you so much."
"I know that too. I love you." I could almost hear his smile, and giggled. "Okay, I'll see you later." We hung up and I hugged Jaehee, a bust of what I call a cocktail of emotions running through me.
The Ceremony.
The church was huge, but humbly decorated with white and various blue shades of tulle. There were white roses twirling up and down the collumns, and decorated the pews as well.
I walked down the aisle, various friends and family crying at the sight of me. Seven put his hands over his mouth, blushing and smiling like an idiot.
When I got to the platform, I saw he was crying.
"You're so beautiful." He mouthed.
I smiled, and mouthed back, "I love you."
I tuned out most of what the priest was saying, until he got to the vows.
Seven went first, pulling out a bright pink paper, and I realized what I caught him doing yesterday.
He was writing his vows!
"(Y/n)." He started, shaking. "This sheet of paper can't even begin to describe the love I have for you. Even though Jumin really wanted to help me write it. Thank you, Jumin." Seven said as laughter began to arise from the crowd.
"When you first told me you loved me, I knew my life would change, and it scared me. But you loved me, and made me realize that there's nothing to be afraid of." He wiped his eyes. "And I love you, more than words can say. More than a sheet of paper, more than a ring. I wouldn't be where I am today without you. You're the one that keeps me sane, the one that makes me laugh, makes me cry. I don't want it any other way. I'll love you until the world falls apart, until Hell freezes over. I'll never not love you."
I laughed, wiping my tears away and trying not to get too choked up.
"I've heard people say you should always marry your best friend, and they're right...I've never loved another person the way I've loved you. You brighten up the whole world for me, and every time I see you, I fall in love with you again. Before I met you, I had no idea what my future would bring me. I was scared, alone, and I didn't understand the world around me. But then you came into my life, and it seemed like all of my problems went away. I love you, Saeyoung. When everything else around me crumbles, I'll still love you."
We said our I do's, smiling in a daze until we heard, "You maybe now kiss the bride."
As soon as he seard that Seven picked me up and kissed me, hugging me tight. I hugged back like it would be our last, and when we finally let go, he put his forehead to mine.
"I love you so much." He said, a tear rolling down his cheek.
"I love you more." I cupped his face in my hands and smiled throug tears. "And I'll always love you more."
He shook his head and, and we walked to his car to the reception as everyone else seperated to do the same.
He held my hand the whole way there, telling me he was so excited to have a future with me.
"C'mon, it's cocktail hour. We gotta take photos." I grabbed his hand and led him to the place we planned on taking photos. It was a beautiful clearing in the woods, filled with snow and a quiet, peaceful atmosphere.
The photographer had us pose in the usual ways first, but we had the opportunity to add some humor into it. In one photo, we made funny faces, in another, Seven pretended to be lost. One where it was supposed to be just him, I jumped in, holding up peace signs.
The more serious photos included fake snow drizzling over an umbrella as we looked in each other's eyes. That one's my favorite.
Once we got to the reception, we were greeted my everyone there with tears and "congrats."
When it was time to dance, our favorite slow song played and Seven took my hand, leading me to a pristine dance floor. The barn was decorated similarly to the church, same color scheme and floral scheme. The ceiling, however, had fake snowflakes of different sizes and shapes hanging on strings.
We danced the night away, holding each other close as the world seemed to fade away around us.
"I love you so much, Saeyoung." I started during our last dance. "I'm so lucky... God, you're the best thing that's ever happened to me. And I'm so glad we did this."
"I love you too, (Y/n). I always will."
We got home late at night, exhausted after a night of dancing and laughter. As we fell asleep, we talked about the wedding. He told me that he was so nervous during his vows, he wanted to throw up up! I laughed as I told him I felt the same way. Then, he said something I know I'll never forget. He told me that when he was getting ready before the ceremony, he realized he would never have to be scared or upset again, because he found so much comfort in me being with him. He said that no matter what happens in our lifetime, whether we get old and ugly, or we go insane, he'll always keep me in his heart.
"Saeyoung..." I started as I cried. "You always take the words out of my mouth." I smiled to distract myself. "I'm always gonna love you. You're my reason to get up in the morning, my reason to smile. Don't ever forget that."
He's told me before that I stole his heart, and that I shaped him into what he is today. (He's very cheesy). But I will forever deny this, because it was Seven that took my heart and kept it for himself. It was Seven who changed my entire life the moment he opened up to me. And most of all, it was Seven who showed me the love and the kindness only he had.

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