5) Aftermath.

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I fell asleep soon after Saeyoung and I said our goodbyes. It was the most restful night I've had for a very long time. I woke up the next morning full of energy, knowing today would be even better. After picking up Yoosung to go to the hospital, we went to the fish bun vending machine. We thought it would be nice to surprise him, since he loved eating those (and Honey Buddha chips, of course).
We arrived at the hospital, and after (sneaking) the fish buns past the secretary, we were in his room.
"Seven." I said, a warm smile on my face.
"Hm?" He asked, just waking up from a nap. "O-Oh. Hello..."
"Guess what we got?!" Yoosung whisper screamed.
I pulled the package of fish buns out of my coat pocket and jiggled them around.
His face lit up like a kid on Christmas morning for a split second. "You... You didn't have to. I- After all I did to you.. After all I put you through..." He trailed on.
"Don't apologize. You haven't done anything wrong, Saeyoung. I never want you to feel guilty for this. You're okay." I sat on the bed with him.
"...(M/C), can we pleaaaaase open the package? I didn't eat breakfast.." Yoosung cried.
Saeyoung gave him a weak smile. I opened the package as I sat besides him. The three of us dug into the fish buns. "This... Is so much better than hospital food..." Saeyoung said. Although it was quite the happy moment, I couldn't help but think it was strange. He managed to hate me for almost eleven weeks. Then he just.. Clicked. That Jaehee... I thought. What a miracle worker. After a while, Yoosung asked the question no one dare ask him.
"What was it like?" He asked suddenly. Saeyoung froze.
"...What?" He mumbled.
"Mint Eye. What happened?" Yoosung asked, his voice dropping to a whisper.
      Saeyoung answered quietly, closing his eyes with concentration.  "I-It was awful... It was so bleak, I thought I'd die in there..." He suddenly interrupted himself, shaking horribly. He gritted his teeth and started mumbling to himself. Then grabbed his head and started rocking himself back and forth.
"Saeyoung?" We said in unison.
No response.
"Saeyoung wait- you're okay," I said as I sat on the bed. "You're here now! You're safe. It's okay, just think of something else."
He wouldn't stop. I slowly put my hand on his shoulder and he flinched. "Saeyoung, take a few deep breaths, love. Breathe in slowly. Like this." I started taking deep breaths and didn't stop until he slowly joined in, still shaky. "There's nothing to be afraid of, I'm here with you. You're safe. And I'm not going to let anything happen." He calmed down a couple minutes later, before vomiting into a nearby trash can. Before I could get up from the bed, Saeyoung gabbed my hand.
Looking down at the sheets, he said, "Please." There was a pause. "Stay with me." Tears were streaming down his face, he clumg to me like a child. "I will." I said as I sat back down.
"Oh Jesus- Seven, I'm sorry. I didn't know!" Yoosung said. "I'm- I'm gonna go. I'll get a taxi or something. I'm sorry." And with that, he ran out the door.
"Seven, are you alright?" I asked. "You know he didn't mean it like that."
"I know... But it's too painful. Every time I'm alone I think of that place. It's all I can think about. I can't escape it, (Y/n)," He looked up at me. "I close my eyes and I see nothing but that building. I wake up in the middle of the night terrified that I might still be there. I can't- I can't do this anymore. I don't want to be alone." His voice broke.
"Then you don't have to be." I said. "I will stay here with you, until you no longer want me to. I know you can get through the pain. I believe you can because I've seen you do it once before. You may not think it's possible, Jumin, Jaehee, Yoosung, Zen, and I, and, the rest of this hospital building know it's possible."
He hugged me. "Thank you, (Y/n)."
"I'll always be here." I hugged him back.
After sometime, he had fallen asleep in my arms.
I took the chance to sneak a little nap in too, on the chair right next to his bed.
Hours later, I woke up to find him sobbing, back flat against the bed.
"Oh my God- Are you alright?" I jolted out of the chair.
"I," He propped himself up and wiped his tears away. "I had a nightmare. I'm sorry."
I sat next to him. "You don't have to apologize, Saeyoung. I'm here." He cried more. "I can't sleep anymore. All I ever do is toss and turn for a couple hours, then sleep for one. I can't be in peace- God." He clutched my shoulder, nails digging into my skin. "Do- Do you want a doctor? Medicine? Can I get you a water?" I asked. "Ice, please." He was sweating hard. I left the room as soon as he said that to pick up what he requested...

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