17) Feeling Better.

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One Week Later.
Seven's getting out today. The doctor deemed him stable enough to leave, stating that he seemed like 'he genuinely wanted to get better.'
     I picked him up at around 2 o'clock in the afternoon. He seemed stiff and "off", as if his mind was somewhere else.
     "I feel like I live in that place." He said after a while. "Last night, someone died in the room across from me. And I saw their family break down all at once, hugging and pleading them to come back. They committed suicide." He sighed. "I don't want to do that to you and the R.F.A."
     I didn't know how to respond.
     "I'm proud of you. I really am. Just don't beat yourself up for this, okay? We're all going to help you." I said finally, after trying to piece the words together.
     "Thank you." He looked out the window.
"What do you want to do today?" I asked.
"I dunno. Chill out?...Did you move in while I was gone?"
"Oh... Uh, no. I was too distracted. Plus it felt weird doing it when you were gone."
"Oh. Maybe I could help you today?"
"If you're up to it. Don't you wanna rest instead?"
"I rested at the hospital." He dismissed my statement. "C'mon, I'll help you."
I realized there was no arguing, so I accepted. Pulling into the parking lot of my apartment, I got out and so did he.
"We gotta make a junk pile. I gotta lotta shit to throw away." I tried to make light of today, leading him up the stairs.
He saw my efforts and did the same. "Yeah, I noticed." He teased.
I unlocked the door. It wasn't going to be hard packing, considering the apartment was pre-furnished when I moved in. (It was all ugly, anyways).
We decided to start with my bedroom. Electronics in one box, clothes in another. My makeup box was a seperate thing, so it went into the clothing box. I didn't have much, which seemed normal for a 23 year old woman living alone. But Seven was shocked at how quickly we could pack everything.
"Damn, why haven't I ever seen this?" He held up a lacy brallette, with shorts to match.
"You just did." I winked, grabbing the clothes from him and quickly packing them away.
"C'mon, you've never worn that around me!"
"Maybe beg a little more, I dunno." I pretended to ignore his whining to get him more agitated. It worked.
"Please? Please please pleeeease? It'll cheer me up..." He pleaded.
"Ugh. You make it impossible to say no to you." I giggled.
"AHAHAHA! NO ONE CAN BEAT 707'S ANNOYING BEGGING! Not even you!" He chased me into the kitchen before picking me up and kissing me, he couldn't stop laughing. Though I knew it would never be the same, it seemed like the old Seven was back.
     "Sev!" I said between laughs. "Put me down! I can't take it!"
     "Alright, fine fine fine." He kissed me one more time and put me down.
     "Hey Sev, what's that?" I pointed behind him and sprinted to my room, shutting the door and locking it.
     "Wha? HEY! That's not fair!" He knocked on the door. "(Y/n)... Open the door..." He begged.
     "Nope." I teased.
     Then, he went silent. And I heard him walking away.
     "Seven?" I said. No answer.
     I opened the door ever so slightly, and didn't see him anywhere.
     "Seven?" I called again, this time opening the door all the way.
     "GOTCHA!" He sprung out from behind the door and tackled me onto the bed, kissing me everywhere.
     I screamed with laughter as his kisses tickled my neck.
     "C'mon! G-Get Off!" I laughed even harder.
     "Okay." He laid down next to me. "(Y/n), can I ask you something?" He suddenly got serious.
     "Of course."
     He paused, looking away as if he couldn't find the words.
     "Why do you love me?"
     "What do you mean?" I asked, as he hugged me close to him.
     "I've never met anyone like you, no one that's loved me like this, anyway." I felt his hands fumble with my hair.
     "Well. I love you for a lot of reasons, Saeyoung." I matched his seriousness.
     "I love you because... You're so much more than a couple jokes. You're a selfless person who's done so much for so many people, even though those things go unnoticed. You just don't stop. There's no end to your kindness. Your smile... and your personality... It lights up the whole room- no, it lights up the whole world. When I hear that you're upset, or you're hurting it absolutely destroys me. Because it's like the sun doesn't shine... Everything about you makes life seem better. I didn't think I would ever deserve someone as amazing, kind, and loving as you."
     "That's funny..." He said. "Whenever I asked that question to someone else, the first thing they said was either how funny I was, or how pretty I was. Like a stuffed animal."
     "But you're more than that." I reminded him.
     "I didn't believe I was for a while." I felt him hug tighter.
     "I'll remind you everyday if I need to." I moved the hair out of his eyes, and realized he was crying. "Huh?! Saeyoung, what's the matter?"
     "N-No one's ever loved me like you have. Sometimes I wonder if I really deserve you,    (Y/n)."
     "It's not about whether you 'deserve' me," I said, emphasizing the "deserve" sarcastically. "It's the fact that you'll always have me, and nothing will change that."
     He sank into my arms.
"Sev, why're you huggin me so tight?" I smiled.
"I... I just want to hold you. I don't want to let go."
"Then don't." I brought my face to his, and kissed his forehead.

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