22) The Day of The Party.

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     "Good morning!" Seven said as I sat up. "Today's the party!"
     "I know... I'm so excited." I yawned and rubbed my eyes.
     "We woke up late, but I made breakfast!" And he went into the kitchen with more energy than I've ever seen.
     "How much caffeine have you had?" I said as I stepped into the kitchen.
     "None!" He grinned. "I'm just very excited."
     "Can you tell me what's going on? Since last night you've been cheesier than usual."
     "I told you, you'll see soon!" He set two plates down and we started eating.
     "Yeah..." I said. "Have you been taking your medication?" I only ask this because he has intense mood swings when he doesn't.
     "Yep. Every day. I told you I was going to get better, and it's a promise I don't plan on breaking." He gave me a smile. "Hey... I can finally see your dress!"
"Saeyoung, I'm glad you have a goal. I'm happy things are getting better. And yes, you do!"
We finished eating and cleaned up. I beat him to the bedroom to get changed.
"Just a minute, Saeyoung~" I held my dress up to the mirror, admiring the (f/c) fabric. As I put it on, I twirled around, noticing the ruffles spinning with me. It was a mermaid cut, slimming and simple with short lace sleeves. I put my hair up into a simple bun and hair at the sides, fixing it up with cute hair clips and pearl earrings.
I opened the door so he could get ready as I put my makeup on, and his jaw dropped.
"Wow... You look amazing." He said quietly.
"Oh stop, it's nothing special." I giggled.
"And yet you're still gorgeous." He came over and hugged me, sliding his hand up my back and kissing me lightly. "How'd I get so lucky to have you?"
"I'm the lucky one." I kissed him back. "Alright, go get ready!" He nodded and got his clothes from the closet.
He changed as I put my makeup on, glancing over at me every so often.
"I see you looking." I said as I gazed into the mirror.
"I'm sorry. You look so good, (Y/n). I just wanna keep you for myself and forget the party..."
I blushed, not knowing what to say.
"Heh... Come here." He said as I made my way over to him.
     He pecked my lips a couple times, smiling in between each one.
"I love you, handsome~" I smiled and kissed him. "C'mon, get ready!"
He rolled his eyes and quickly got ready, speeding to the bathroom to finish up his hair.
"Don't you think we should get there a bit early, (Y/n)? So we can make sure everything is set?" He called from the bathroom.
"Yeah. Just let me know when you're ready." I walked out into the living room, grabbing my purse and my keys.
"Alright, how do I look?" He walked out and spun around, a dumb grin on his face.
I felt my face get hot. "You look great." I flashed a quick smile.
"Wait! I forgot something!" He sprinted to the bedroom.
"What did you forget?" I asked as he came back out, fumbling with something in his pocket.
"My uh... Glasses?" He said, nervousness taking over his voice.
"Hmmm. Alright. Let's go." We walked to the car, me getting into the driver's seat, and him riding shotgun. I knew he was lying, he'd been wearing his glasses all morning. There was definitely something shady going on, but I decided to ignore it.
V was standing outside the venue when we arrived, waving at us as we came up to him.
"The R.F.A is inside, everything is all set up. You two didn't have to come so early, you know." He said.
"I know, I'm just super jittery, I guess." Seven looked down at me and smiled.
"Ah, so I take it (Y/n) still has no idea?" V said teasingly.
"Don't even start, V. I can't take it anymore!" I laughed.
"Alright, (Y/n), I'll let you know when guests start arriving. Can you and Saeyoung greet them?" V asked.
"You got it." I replied, as Seven and I walked in.
We were greeted by the group and chatted for about 45 minutes before guests arrived.
"Ahhh, (Y/n) aren't you excited?!" Yoosung practically screamed. The boy was almost bouncing up and down.
I sighed. "Yes, Yoosung. I'm very excited. How are you all doing?"
"Oh, we're excited too, (Y/n)." Zen replied with a smirk.
Jumin rolled his eyes. "Zen, you're annoying her."
Jaehee intervened before Zen could reply.
"Dont you worry, (Y/n)." She pushed up her glasses. "Luciel knows what he's doing."
"That I do! 707 always knows what he's doing." He fumbled around in his pocket again, and Yoosung damn near spit out his drink.
"Ugh, I'm going to go see if guests are arriving." I said, walking away. Seven quickly followed.
"Oh! Perfect timing, (Y/n). The first few guests are here." V said and smiled, quickly turning on his heel and walking inside.
"Hello, welcome to the party!" I greeted with a warm smile. The first guest returned the gesture and walked inside.
Seven greeted the next one, and for the next 25 minutes we took turns with every other guest. I noticed he'd been looking up at me a lot, and as we waited for the last guest, I finally cracked.
"Saeyoung, why do you keep looking at me?" I asked.
"You're beautiful."
"No, there's something else. Tell me."
"Patience, (Y/n)! All good things come to those who wait." He grinned.
"Whats in your pocket?"
He turned a deep red, his face matching his hair. "My phone." He answered quickly.
"Fine then." I turned to face the last guest, "Hello, Welcome to the party! Refreshments are inside."
When they walked in, Seven and I closed the doors and sat with the rest of the R.F.A.

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