1) Rescuing.

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It had been a year since we last saw Saeyoung.
After him and I had gone to Mint Eye, Saeran trapped him.
Saeyoung begged me to leave and tell the others.
I didn't know what else to do.
We had discussed what to do about his condition in the chat room, Jumin suggested going to the police. V said it wasn't a good idea right away since we (indirectly) had something to do with Mint Eye.
After V assured us it was safe to call the police, we did so without hesitation. I told them the address, and we explained what happened. We also found it necessary to tell them that they couldn't just walk in, they would have to plan ahead to infiltrate their headquarters.
Careful investigating and questioning done with us, and they were ready to go.
It took some months, but none of us lost hope. None.
We had to completely give up any and all information about what Rika had done in the apartment I stayed in. When the police had finally gotten ahold of Mint Eye, Rika abandoned everyone there. She soon went into hiding, disappearing as if she had never existed in the first place. We aren't even sure if she's in the same country anymore.
     I was in the chatroom with everyone else when Yoosung went buck wild. He called every single one of us saying that he saw the news talking about how they finally infiltrated Mint Eye. Jumin sent a limousine for us but i was already driving down to the headquarters. We all arrived to see several police cars, ambulances, and a crowd of crazy reporters, practically spilling out of the „DO NOT CROSS" tape.
     We technically weren't supposed to be there, especially since we were involved in something quite dangerous, but I don't remember anyone really enforcing that.
     I stood aside from all the commotion with everyone else, waiting for our 707.
     A pale, severely malnourished figure with bloodshot eyes slowly walked out with two cops helping him out, he looked like he could barely stand.
It was Saeyoung.
When he saw us. In a split second, he was on his knees, sobbing. We all ran as fast as possible to hug him as the cops just stood and watched. The crowd ate it up as we sank to the ground, I think I even saw Jumin and Jaehee shed a tear. People were yelling and asking questions but we ignored it. It was chaos. But it was.. good. It wasn't bloody, no bad news was brought. So yes, it was chaos. But it was good chaos. The kind that gives you butterflies, gets you all giddy inside because a miracle brought by God himself had occured.
     A miracle... yes.
     It was the heartwarming moment we all wish we could live in forever.
     Until he saw me.

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