10) Calm.

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Disclaimer: Since there was no information about Saeyoung's favorite food (other than chips) We can pretend it's fettuccine alfredo. It was the first thing I could think of. Thank you!
After about 30 minutes, He stepped out in the clothes Jumin dropped off. "Ready to go?" I asked him finally.
"Yes... Thank you." He said, stepping towards the door.
"Agh, Seven, you dont have to say thank you. It's okay, really."
"Huh? Of course I do! What kind of person would I be if I didn't thank people? Damn      (Y/n). I need to teach you some manners!"
Though I missed his jokes more than anything, I realized he might've been doing it only for our (the R.F.A and I's) sake. I couldn't tell if he was okay anymore.
"Seven, are you sure you're alright?" I lightly touched his arm.
    "Don't worry about me. C'mon, lets go, (Y/n)." He said, half smiling.
On the way home after the pharmacy, I asked if he'd like to stop by his house to pick up clothes, and he eagerly accepted.
"Man..." He said, stepping in. "I haven't been in here in so long..." I watched him pick up random things like a child in a toy store, he was amazed by everything he saw. I guess things really do slip after a while.
"Alright, I'll be right back." He sprinted up the stairs as I waited in the main room. I noticed something I hadn't before, it was a beautifully framed photo of us on his coffee table. It was a photo I'd never seen before... He had me in his arms, hands around my waist as mine were around his neck, we were both laughing. I scanned the photo carefully, noticing how he looked at me when I wasn't paying attention... He looked so in love. And I never realized.
I hugged the photo close to my chest and smiled, remembering the day that photo was taken. Jeez... That was so long ago... I distracted myself with my own thoughts until he came down the stairs with an overnight bag.
"H-Hey (Y/n), What's the matter?" he asked innocently.
I hadn't even realized my eyes were filled with tears ready to spill.
"I've never seen this photo before." I replied.
"Oh... W-Wait! Dont cry! If you cry too much, you'll get dehydrated." He hugged me as I put the photo back to it's original location.
I stood up to kiss him, wrapping my hands around his waist, just trying to pull him close. He kissed back, tangling his hands in my hair.
After I pulled back for air I noticed a deep blush on his face.
"Oh j-jeez (Y/n)... I love you too..." He said nervously.
"C'mon, lets go home. I got a surprise for you." I took his hand in mine and led him to the car.
Once we got to my place, I told him to sit in my room and watch a movie until it was okay to leave, because it'd ruin the surprise.
When I was finished, I knocked on the door. "Seven? It's ready!" I came in and realized he had fallen asleep.
"Wh-Whats ready?" he asked tiredly, rubbing his eyes.
"The surprise!" I gave him my hand and helped him off the bed, leading him into the dining room.
"Okay, close your eyes..." I led him to a chair and sat him down, a plate of fettuccine alfredo already in front of him.
"Now... Open!" I stepped away, excitement spilling over.
"Oh (Y/n)...It smells amazing! You didn't have to do this for me..." He smiled the biggest smile I'd seen all day, despite the consistently puffy/baggy eyes, he actually looked happy.
"I know, but I wanted to. Alright, let's dig in then!" I said as I sat down.
He ate the entire plate in 5 minutes.
"Jesus Seven, maybe I'll just make this from now on." I joked.
"No, (Y/n), you have no idea how much I missed this, I think I'd take your cooking over Honey Buddha Chips any day..." he patted his stomach.
"Damn, that's pretty serious, Seven. Are you sure about that?" I smirked.
"Well... That depends... Hey, lemme help you clean up!"
"Thank you, Sev. Just the plates and silverware, I'll do the pots and pans."
It was actually nice doing something so simple with him for the first time in a long time. I turned my music on, and all our old songs came up. We danced the evening away, singing to every one of them.
After a while, he fell asleep in my arms while watching a movie in my room.
I kissed his head, drifting to sleep myself.
I woke up the next morning at around 9, the scent of french toast following me to the bedroom. I walked out into the kitchen to Seven cooking breakfast for us both.
"Good morning." He said sweetly as I hugged him from behind.
"Good morning, you didn't have to do this, yknow..." I answered.
"I know~ I did it because I wanted to. Sound familiar?" He teased and set the plates down.
It was surprisingly... really good. Like, really good. I made sure to show him my thanks by helping with cleaning, and giving a quick kiss on the lips.
"Heh. You taste like maple syrup." He chuckled.
"Oh shush." I replied, kissing all over his face now.
"I have to be at work soon... You gonna be okay by yourself? You can call me and the R.F.A if you need anything."
"Yes, (Y/n). I'll be fine. I have my medication with me. I'll be alright, really."
"Okay. I'll go get ready." I hurried into my bedroom to change my clothes.
After getting ready, I kissed his head.
"Alright, I'm off to work! I Love you." I said.
"Love you, (Y/n) have a good day."
And with that, I was out the door.

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