Chapter 6: The Truth

Start from the beginning

   "That's why I'm glad he's doing it." Luke said cutting in. I rolled my eyes and looked at him.

   "And if I ever get hurt in here and you're the only one around I'd probably die because you just stood in the middle of the room confused and bleeding everywhere." I shot back. The Doctor was sure getting a lot of amusement from us today because he kept laughing as we bickered back and forth. Mostly at the points where I caught him on something. When we quieted down again he started up the topic of stitching again.

   "Stitching only takes practice." He told me.

   "and how does one practice stitching people? Do you just go around slicing people then sowing them back shut?" I said sarcastically,

   "Oh yes, everyone knows that's the best way to practice." He joked, I laughed, I liked his sick humor. Luke looked between us slightly scared and disgusted. 

   "So if all of your nurse staff is terrible why did you pick them?" I asked curiously

   "I didn't. The job council assigned them thinking they'd be able to learn.. they haven't. My best nurse is your BFF, she's been here for almost 40 years."

   "Yeah I knew susan was probably a good nur- wait what?" I my mind finally making a connection between the things he has said and his looks. He looked up at me strangely but then realized his error. "You don't look a day over twenty, how could she have been working here for so long?" He thought for a moment, unsure of how to answer.

   "I'll explain it to you later, I've got to get back, Your done now Luke." Luke looked at his still numbed and patched finger, examining it oddly. I got up and got him a drink of water. The Doctor was leaving but I cut off his path.

   "I want some answers." I said with my arms crossed.

   "and I said I'd explain later, plus I don't owe you anything so I don't need to explain at all." He whispered fiercely. He slid past me and went to Mary.

   "Give those in your staff who are sensitive to blood the day off. He'll be fine but send him to the clinic later. I want to put him on antibiotics for a week to keep it from getting infected." She nodded and he left again. 

  He was always avoiding questions and it was really starting to piss me off. I thought he would come by later but he skipped both lunch and dinner. Frustrated, I knew I'd have to chase him down for an answer but if I did he would just get pissed off again but at this point I didn't care. So after I got off that night I went and found him.

   When I did find him he was pacing and raging about something in front of Susan who was trying to get him to calm down. I hid behind a curtain near them and listened in.

   "I screwed up. I was telling her about how the nurse staff sucked and.." The rest of the nurse staff in the area heard this and slinked away scared. "I told her that you were the best and that you've been working here for almost 40 years and now I have to answer how I look 20 and was the one to start The Facility but you've been working here for almost 40 years."

   "Calm down Sir, its alright. You don't have to tell her anything if you don't want to." Susan said soothingly. He stopped in front of her but continued looking down. 

   "But if I don't give her an answer she'll hate me I know it. Answering questions and opening up is the only way to befriend her and earn her trust and without her trust there's nothing, she'll probably stop talking to me because she's so closed off and scared of getting tricked or hurt."

   "I see what your saying Sir but may I ask... why is it so important that your friends with her?" Susan asked. I smiled 'thanks Susan.' I thought that's exactly what I want to know as well. 

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