Date Night Unexpected

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Fallon was exhausted but she couldn't have been happier. Winnie and Daisy were officially two months old. Archer and Fallon had kept to their plan to have no nannies and it was working well for them. Fallon loved watching Archer with the girls. It was truly a sight to see. Archer was now known as the Daddy Prince. The girls were now making normal trips to his meetings with him. One meeting Winnie even puked on him and he kept going with his task without being phased at all. He was taking the role of father very seriously and doing so like a true professional.
Fallon was lying on the bed with both girls looking up at her. She couldn't take her eyes off of the girls. Though Daisy and Winnie had been unplanned, Fallon truly felt as if she had always been meant to be a mom. She had managed to get her degree right before the babies came, but she couldn't think of leaving them to go to work now. She hoped to start a charity for children in the future that would allow her to do all the things she loved at one time.
Archer came in and said, "There are my happy girls. How are things going?"
Fallon smiles, "Perfect. We had a great day today. Your mom came by earlier. I'm expecting Arie soon. She hasn't been here yet today. I need to get with Linley. I haven't seen her for a couple days. I have been in the baby bubble again."
Archer kissed her, " I want you to get up. Get dressed. We are going to go out tonight!"
"What? But..."
"Before you say anything, mom and Arie are going to watch the girls. It's about time we got out of here for a bit. It's been two months. I want to take my girl out."
"Are you sure?"
"Absolutely!  We may be parents but I don't want the two of us to forget about each other. Plus we are not going to be boring parents. We are going to be fun parents. You are the most amazing mom, but I think you need a night without baby related things."
"That does sound nice. I'm sorry."
"What could you possibly have to be sorry about?"
"I've put you and everyone else on the back burner. That hasn't been fair.  I've been all in the mommy bubble and not thinking about anything or anyone else."
"That is nothing to be sorry about. You are such a good mommy and I love you for it. The girls are so dependent on you right now. I just don't want you to get burnt out."
"Not a chance. Archie, you are such a great daddy. Our girls are so lucky."
"I'm just nervous when I take over for dad things are going to get harder around here.  I have taken on more responsibility, but it's still not everything that I will have to be doing."
"Hey. We will figure it out. One step at a time. We will figure it out."
"I think we are a pretty great team. Now go get dressed. I'll cuddle our girls while you get ready."  Fallon gave the three of them one last kiss and was off to get ready for their date night.

Archer and Fallon had finally pulled themselves away from the girls. Henry and Linley had come in just as they were getting ready to leave. Linley made plans to come see Fallon the next day to go over  her wedding plans. Then they stayed with the Queen and Arabella to look after the girls.
Fallon was curled up in Archer's arms as they were sitting by a lake. It was secluded and it was perfect. He had gotten them a picnic together and it had been just what they needed. It was the perfect first mom and dad date night. Nothing big or flashy. Just a quiet evening between the two of them.
Fallon asked, "Can we make it a point to do this once a month?  Have some time just for the two of us. I didn't realize how much I missed this."
"I think that is more than fair. We have so many people that are willing to step in and watch Winnie and Daisy for us."
"They are pretty cute."
Archer chuckled. "That is very true."  Archer held Fallon to him as they kissed each other.
Archer pulled away and asked, "How are things going in America?"
Fallon tile him, "Katie is due in a month. I want to go see them at some point.  I haven't talked to my mom in a couple of days. I need to check in with her again."
"Of course. You say the word and I'll have the plane ready. I'll go with you, or Linley, or Arie. We'll figure something out."
"Thank you."
"Of course they are family."
They were getting ready to continue their conversation when Archer's phone rang. Fallon picked it up to hand it to him and said, "It's Henry."
Fallon and Archer knee that couldn't be good. Everyone back at the palace had made them promise not to call. Archer quickly picked up, "Henry?"
Henry said, "Arch. It's dad. You all have to get back here."
And just like that their perfect date night went from fun filled to worry and fear. They packed up quickly and headed to see what was going on. Fallon never let go of Archer's hand and she didn't plan on it.

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