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Fallon was laying on the bed that was to be hers for the next couple of nights.  Archer was laying with her holding her close.  He kissed her head and said, "I'm so glad you are here.  It's so nice to hold you in my arms again, even for a little bit.  I know you don't like all the attention, but I really am looking forward to showing you off."

Fallon chuckled.  "Thanks.  I love Arabella and your mom.  I really don't think your dad likes me very much."

"My father takes some time to get to know and breakdown.  He has a rough exterior, but a big heart.  He is going to be wrapped around the baby's finger.  I just know it.  Arie already loves you and I know you and my mother will get along famously.  Nothing to worry about, babe.  I can't wait to see you in your dress."

"Not today mister.  September 22nd."

"It's coming soon and I can't wait.  Then I'll be coming to America to see you until you are able to be here with me.  I'm having my uniform fitted today, too.  I think I am going to go with my black uniform as long as mother and father approve.  It's going to be so hard not to have a peek at your dress.  I'm sure you are going to be beautiful, but you are always beautiful."

"You say that because you got me pregnant."

He chuckled.  "No.  I have always thought you were beautiful from the moment I met you."

There was a knock on the door.  Barry popped his head in the room and said, "Your highness, the Queen has asked that you both go to your designated rooms.  The designers and fitters are here."

"Thank you Barry.  We will be out in a moment."

Archer got up and leaned down to kiss Fallon.  He told her, "I could stay in this room with you for the next two days and not have a regret.  Thank you for all that you are doing."

"It's only because I love you."

Archer smiled and got to his knees and kissed Fallon's stomach.  He said, "Did you hear that?  Your mommy loves me.  I can't wait until you are here with us jellybean.  You are going to be the most loved baby."

Archer helped Fallon to her feet.  Then he walked her to the room she was to meet the rest of the girls in.  Joe said, "Sir, I have been told to stop you here.  You are to not step foot in this room and risk seeing a possible dress."

Archer laughed, "I'm stopping here.  Have fun, Fallon.  I'll see you later.  I love you."

Fallon smiled, "I love you, too."

Fallon walked in to see that everyone was waiting for her.  She said, "I am so sorry that I kept you all waiting.  I had to push Archer away before he got a look at what he doesn't need to see for another month."

Sophie told her, "This is all about you, sweetheart.  Are you ready to get started?"

Fallon nodded excitedly.  The designer started to pull out dresses.  Fallon pulled out her three favorites and started to try them on.

Fallon came out in the first dress.  It was gorgeous, but she wasn't sure if it was the one yet.

  It was gorgeous, but she wasn't sure if it was the one yet

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