Two Weeks Gone By

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It had been the fastest two weeks of Fallon and Linley's lives. They were getting ready to dock. Both of them were sitting on their respective man's lap. Fallon had her head against Archer's shoulder and said, "I hate to see these two weeks end. They have been wonderful. Now you are going back to England and we are going back home."

Archer kissed her head, "It has been a great two weeks. I don't want to see it end either. I don't want to go back to reality."

At that moment the boat docked. All four of them sighed. Each of them took an extra moment to sit together before each of the guys took their girl's hand.

They each gave them a kiss. Henry told Linley, "Thank you for giving me the best two weeks of my life. I loved getting to know you."

Linley sniffled, "I loved getting to know you, too."

They were exiting the ship when all of a sudden they noticed people were staring at them. Then they heard, "Princes! Princes! Over here! How was your vacation? Are you ready to go back to the palace? Archer, are you ready to take over the throne?"

Fallon and Linley both jumped back from the guys. Fallon said, "Princes? What are they talking about?"

Archer rubbed the back of his head, "Umm... Remember how I told you that our father was in politics? Well, I am the next in line for the crown."

"You are about to be the king of England?!"

"Umm... Yes."

"I knew it was too good to be true. You lied to me."

"I did not lie to you. Being a king or a prince has to do with politics. I just left out my title."

"Oh please! I feel like such a fool. Here I am thinking that I met someone that I could trust, but in reality you are just like every other guy I have ever met. You left out the important things and only told me what you wanted me to know."

As Fallon was about to walk away, he caught her and said, "Fallon, please stop. It isn't like that. Everyone in England only wants to know us because of our titles. This was the first time someone hadn't recognized us. It was nice just getting to be normal for two weeks. I'm sorry that I left things out, but I wanted you to know me for who I am, not by my title."

"Being a prince is part of who you are! I feel like an idiot."

"Please don't. You are wonderful and I have enjoyed these last two weeks more than you will ever know."

Henry told them both, "We wanted to tell you, but we didn't want to scare you away. We wanted to be low key people you could enjoy your vacation with. When in reality we were watching our every move to make sure no one bothered or upset you."

Linley asked, "How did you get away without any kind of security?"

"Our security guards were here the whole time. They just made sure to stay out of our way. We wanted to make sure that the two of you remained safe while you were with us."

"Thank you for thinking of us, but we can handle ourselves."

"I know, but while you were with us we wanted to make sure that you were enjoying your time and not worrying about anything. You both have a hard semester ahead of you."

There were more pictures taken. Fallon just couldn't handle it. She was a quiet person that didn't like people making a big deal out of her. Fallon left them.

Linley told them, "Fallon is a quiet person. She just doesn't know how to handle this."

Archer sighed, "Please tell her how sorry I am. I never meant for this to upset her so badly."

"It's just because she cares so much about you."

Henry asked, "Can I get your number? I would really like to keep in contact with you."

Linley gave him her number. Archer asked, "Will I ever have a chance with Fallon or did I screw up?"

Linley told him, "I don't know, but who knows what time can tell." Linley left the guys to go find Fallon.

Fallon and Linley found their families waiting on them. Fallon's brothers swarmed her. Her oldest brother, Logan, hugged her first. Then came her other brother, Jake. Jake held up a magazine and asked, "What in the world is this?"

Fallon sighed and said, "I spent the two weeks with this guy thinking he was so wonderful, but it turns out he is the prince of England. He didn't tell me and I didn't recognize him. You know how I hate keeping up with famous people. I don't pay attention to that stuff."

Logan told them, "Katie and Stella were at the store the other day and you were on the cover of a magazine. Both of you! Lin, you know we watch out for you as much as we do Fallon."

Linley said, "Guys, they are really nice. I don't think you have anything to worry about."

Fallon replied, "They were really sweet. They just didn't tell us who they really were."

Fallon went on without them. Jake asked Linley, "Is she okay?"

"She really liked Archer, but now she feels like she can't trust him. She was so happy while we were on this trip."

Logan sighed, "I hate that she is upset."

"She'll be okay. She always is." The three of them went off to catch up with Fallon. It was terribly sad to see Fallon the way that she was. Linley knew it was all going to work out in the long run.

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