Going Home

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The day after the girls were born Fallon and Archer stood on the steps of the hospital.  Linley had come to help Fallon with her makeup and hair.  She had brought a beautiful dress for Fallon to wear.  Archer helped Fallon to the stairs.  He asked, "Are you sure you are okay?  We can turn around now?"

Fallon smiled up at him and kissed his cheek, "Nope.  It's time for England to meet their newest princesses and buy us some time to get accustomed to being parents.  The quicker we get this over with the faster we get home and can get the girls acclimated to home."

"That sounds wonderful."  Each of them had one of their daughters in their arms as they made their way to the steps.  The press was everywhere.  Fallon took a deep breath and stepped a little bit closer to Archer. 

Archer stood tall and said, "Hello.  It is with great pleasure that Fallon and I introduce you to our daughters, Daisy Kate and Winnie Grace.  We ask at this time that you respect our wishes and give us time to get our girls on a schedule and get acclimated to being parents ourselves.  I couldn't be more proud of my wife for what she has been through in the last few days and the months prior.  I also couldn't be more proud to be a father to these two beautiful girls.  We will be releasing pictures in time, but right now we are more worried about the well being and happiness of our children.  I will be taking the next two weeks to be with my wife and children.  There are many people within the government that will be stepping up to allow me this time to truly be a new father and enjoy the sleepless nights and routine changes that will be coming my way.  We have every intention of being full time parents and only looking for outside help when it is absolutely necessary.  Do you have any questions?"

A reporter asked, "What happened to your hand, your highness?"

Archer chuckled and leaned over to kiss Fallon's head.  He told them, "My sweet wife decided against the epidural and took out her pain and frustration on my hand instead.  It is was the least that I could do and I will be out of the cast in six weeks.  No need to worry."

Another reporter asked, "Princess, how are you feeling?"

Fallon smiled and said, "I'm very blessed to have such a loving and caring husband.  He has taken care of me more than I deserve.  The labor was a lot rougher than I had expected.  I was in labor for 29 hours and I'm sure our daughters will hear about that for the rest of their lives.  I am doing well and I can't thank you all for the thoughts and prayers that you sent our way.  It means the world to me.  I can't wait to get home with our little family and begin to learn our new normal."

Archer said, "Thank you for your time.  I'm going to get my lovely ladies home."  Archer led Fallon down the steps to the waiting limo.  The two of them climbed in and buckled their daughters into their waiting car seats before buckling themselves in.  Then they were ready to go.

As soon as they got home Fallon went to the nursery with the girls.  She needed to feed them.  She asked Archer to give her a few minutes to get herself situated before he came in to check on them.  Fallon sat down in the chair in the corner.  He put Winnie in the crib and held Daisy in her arms.  She attempted to get her to feed and it wasn't working.  She tried everything the nurse from the hospital had shown her.  None of it was working.

By the time Archer got into the nursery Fallon was in full fledged sobs.  He got on his knees in front of her and asked, "Baby, what's wrong?"

She sniffled, "She won't latch.  Nothing is working.  I'm already a terrible mother.  Plus I don't think my milk is coming in."

"Remember the nurse told us yesterday that it was going to take a couple of days for your milk to fully come in, especially when you are feeding two babies.  It's going to be okay.  It isn't going to hurt to supplement with formula every once in a while until it comes in.  I will do everything I can to help.  I'll call a lactation specialist if that will help.  Whatever we need to do I'll make it happen.  Honey, your stress isn't helping anything."

Fallon cried and said, "You could have done so much better than me.  I don't deserve you.  I am tired.  I am already a terrible mother."

"No you aren't.  This is new to both of us.  It is going to be fine.  Do you want me to send your mom in?  Maybe she could be some help."

"I don't want her to know that I am useless."

"You are not useless.  It's just going to take a little while for both of us to get the hang of this.  Don't push me out.  I want to help."

"Let me try again.  If she doesn't latch this time we'll go make them bottles.  They are hungry."

Fallon attempted again and Daisy took right to it.  She smiled and said, "Finally."

Archer kissed her head and said, "See, it's all going to be okay.  You are a great mom already and you have nothing to worry about.  We are in for all kinds of fun with these two girls."

"You would have been so much better off without me.  There has to be someone that doesn't need as much as me.  Wouldn't hurt you.  I'm sure there are more girls out there that would make for a better princess and have a better face for the crown."

"Absolutely not.  There is no one I could love more than you.  There is no one I would rather have as my wife and the mother of my children.  I hate that you can't see that for yourself.  I am going to do everything in my power to prove that to you for the rest of our lives.  Are we ready to move onto our other baby?  I think she's hungry and needs to bond with mommy a little bit.  Let me burp Daisy and change her.  Then we can take them out to see their family that is waiting not so patiently to see them."

They finished up and they went out to see their family and let their family love on their daughters.

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