Appointment and Surprise

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Linley and Fallon were waiting at the doctor's office.  Fallon couldn't imagine a better friend to have.  Fallon said, "Thank you so much for being here for this.  I don't know what to do without you."

"Lucky for you, you never have to find out.  Everything is going to be fine.  Everything is going to work out the way it is supposed to."

"Thank you again.  I'm so glad I don't have to be alone."

"Never.  You should know that by now."

Linley squeezed her hand as they continued to wait.  Fallon was called and she went back leaving Linley to wait for her.

Archer and Henry were on the plane.  Henry told him, "Stop worrying so much.  I'm sure Fallon is fine.  You will be seeing her soon and you will see it for yourself."

"Thank you for coming with me.  I really appreciate it."

"You are my big brother and my best friend.  Of course I was going to come with you.  Not to mention I am not going to give up a chance to get to see Linley.  I've missed those girls."

"I've missed them too."

"Arch, things are going to be fine.  Really.  It's all going to be okay.  I have a good feeling about it.  You know me and my feelings.  They are normally right on."

"You are right."  The two of them were doing everything they could to stay occupied on the plane ride there.

Fallon was sitting on the couch with her hands on her stomach.  She said, "Well, kid, it's me and you.  And Aunt Linny.  She is the best thing ever and I know that she is going to get you into a lot of trouble.  I was not expecting you, but that doesn't mean that I'm not looking forward to meeting you.  We have a long road ahead of us."

Linley sat down next to her and said, "And you both will have me there for you.  No need for you to worry."

There was a knock on their door.  Linley went to open it and she was surprised when Archer ran past her.  He knelt on the floor in front of Fallon and took her hands.  He said, "I'm sorry I just showed up like this, but Henry told me you were sick.  I was worried and I had to check on you.  I'm sure I am the last person you want to see because I am not trustworthy.  I hate myself for not being completely honest with you, but I was afraid that you would take one look at me and only see the stress that I could bring you.  I needed to have those two weeks with an amazing girl without anything getting in the way.  Not my title.  Not the paps.  Not my future.  I just wanted to be a normal guy who was falling in love with a girl."

Fallon took a deep breath and squeezed his hands, "I'm okay.  Stop worrying.  But what I am about to tell you is going to change our lives."  Fallon looked over to see that Linley had taken Henry away to give them some privacy.

"What is going on?"

"I'm pregnant."


"I'm pregnant.  I took the test yesterday and I found out for sure at the doctor today.  I'm exactly four weeks pregnant."


"You don't have to do anything.  I know that this can really mess with you, your livelihood and family.  I am not going to be the reason that anything in your live changes.  You don't need to worry about any of this."

"Oh no.  My child will not be fatherless."

"What is going to happen?  They cannot look upon a child outside of wedlock very kindly."

"That doesn't matter.  It just matters that you and the baby are healthy.  That you have everything you could possibly need."

"We are fine.  Everything is going to be okay."

"I want to stay for a while and help you make some decisions and see what I can help you with."

"You have responsibilities in England that you have to get home to."

"You are the home to my biggest responsibility right now.  That is what I am worried about.  I want to help you out here."

"Thank you.  I appreciate that.  I don't know how I am going to tell my parents.  Now I have to think of my poor baby who is going to be known as an abomination.  I hardly know the father of my baby other than he is a prince, soon to be king and has way too much to be thinking about besides my inability to say no and end up pregnant after barely knowing a man."

"Hey!  This baby will never be an abomination.  This baby is a miracle.  I have always wanted to be a father.  Now I get to.  Fallon, the only way to make sure that our child is to become the next in line for the thrown is for the two of us to get married."

"Married?!  I've only known you for two weeks with a two week break!"

"I will make sure that you will know anything about me that you want to know.  I will support you in every way possible."

"I have a year of school left.  I'm not leaving Linley.  This can't be happening right now."

"Hey.  It's going to be okay.  You can finish school online or here, whatever you want to do.  Linley can come visit whenever she wants or she can come live with us.  I know that Henry would love the second option.  I would offer to move here, but I have to be in the country to rule it.  I guess I could give up the title if I needed to and Henry could take my place as king."

"Whoa!  You are not giving up your title.  I'd really like to finish school here, but I'm sure that isn't going to be an option.  The baby is due in April."

"I would really like for the baby to be born in England, but that isn't a must."

"Can I let all of this sink in a little bit more before I start making all of these crazy plans for my future?"

"Of course."

"Thank you.  Umm...  Would it be okay if we just sat here on the couch for a while?"

"Of course.  Anything to make you feel better."

Fallon curled up into his side.  Archer never moved an inch.  He realized he was holding his whole future in his arms.  He didn't know how, but he was determined that he was going to make this work, however he had to.

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