True Life Change

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Fallon was going around the apartment packing up everything. As she was putting it in boxes Archer came up behind her and said, "Would you please stop? You need to rest."

"I am fine. It's all my crap that we are packing up to move across the ocean. The least I can do is help pack it up."

"We have it. I want you to sit down before you stress Winnie and Daisy out. It is all going to be fine. We have it under control. Henry and I will have you and Linley moved to England in no time."

Fallon sniffled and said, "I know. It's just so real. I was trying to keep busy. I'm really moving to England. I'm getting ready to have twins. I'm going to be leaving my mom, dad and brothers. My brothers are finally starting to get over things. I am so glad I have you in England, but I don't have anyone else."

Archer wrapped his arms around her and said, "It's all going to be okay. I will make sure you have everything and everyone you need. You just let me know when you need a touch of home and I will make it happen. I'm hoping that England will become your home as well. I know you are giving up so much for me and I truly appreciate it. I just want you to know that I will do everything in my power to make things easier for you. I love you."

Fallon told him, "I'm sorry I'm such a mess. I love you, too."

"It is a lot of changes. It is all going to work out. Will you please take a break for me, please?  Your brothers will be here soon, as will their wives and your parents to help us with the final packing. I want you to spend time with them. Then on the plane tonight you are all mine."

"I just can't believe that you are allowing Linley to move with me."

"Are you kidding? Our girls are going to need their spitfire of an aunt and the way I see it you and Linley are a packaged deal. When I met you, the two of you were together. I don't see why moving across the ocean should be any different. Plus Henry is a lost puppy without her. They have the wedding to plan for and I'm sure you are going to be needed for that task. I am just being selfish asking her to move with us. She is the common factor in making the two most important people in my life happy."

"You really are a sap, aren't you? Fine, I'll sit down for a little while. If it will make you happy."

"Thank you." He pulled her in for a kiss and left her to sit on the couch while he packed more of her things as she told him where they went from her spot on the couch.

Lilah, Carter, Jake, Logan, Stella and Katie had all shown up to help with the packing. Lilah told Fallon, "I just can't believe you are moving so far away, especially when you are getting ready to have my first grandbabies."

Archer wrapped his arm around Fallon and kissed her head as he said, "All of you are more than welcome to come visit as often as you would like. We have plenty of room. Plus Daisy and Winnie will be here before we know it. I can have a plane here to you in no time."

Carter told him, "You are going to regret telling my wife that. She is going to be coming to visit all the time."

Archer chuckled, "That is more than okay. We are going to need all the help and training we can get when it comes to Winnie and Daisy. I know that this is all crazy, but I thank you all for letting me be part of your world. A small part of your world has become my entire world. I can't imagine my life without Fallon and now without Winnie and Daisy either and they aren't even born yet. I know my lifestyle is not what you had planned but I couldn't be more thankful that you are allowing me to share in everything as much as possible."

Jake said, "You just have to promise to take care of my little sister and my nieces. You may be a king or whatever, but as soon as I find out that you hurt them I will be after you."

Archer smiled and said, "That is exactly what I want to hear. I would never think of hurting Fallon, Daisy or Winnie purposely. I know I am not the first choice that you would have for your sister, but I thank you for being so supportive of her. None of this was planned, but I wouldn't think about changing any of this. I didn't know just how much I needed someone like Fallon until all of this happened."


Fallon sniffled and told them, "I can't take this. I have to get up and start packing or something. I'm going to melt into a puddle over here if I don't. I'm moving across the world, I'm having two babies and I'm scared. The last thing I need to be doing is sitting on my butt and listening to how much I mean to everyone like I'm dying or something."

Lilah hugged her and said, "Sweetheart, you are going to be fine. You were always meant to be a mother. You are going to be a great mom. Those babies are lucky to have you. Everything is going to work out and you know that I will only ever be a phone call away if you need me."

"I just can't believe how much my life has changed in such a short time."

Archer gave her a kiss and said, "It is my goal in life from now on to make sure that you have everything you need."

They all continued to pack things and help Fallon through one of the biggest life changes to date.

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