Start of an Adventure

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Fallon Grace and Linley Tyler had been planning this trip for years.  The two of them had just turned 21.  They were getting ready to go into their senior year of college.  The two of them were going to finally be roommates off campus and they couldn't have been more excited.  As a 21st birthday present from both of their parents.

Their parents had come to see them off.  Fallon and Linley were taking their first cruise.  They were going to be gone for two weeks and they couldn't have been more excited.  They knew they were bound for some good experiences and exciting new adventures.

Linley squealed as they boarded the boat, "I can't believe we are finally here.  I never thought that they would ever let us do something like this by ourselves."

Fallon laughed and said, "We are 21.  We are adults.  I'm glad you are here with me.  This is going to be a fun trip."

"I'm so glad we made this promise to each other."

"Who knew a middle school promise would really happen."

The two of them were off to their cabin when Fallon bumped into someone.  She looked up and said, "I'm so sorry.  I really need to watch where I am going."

The guy smiled and said, "It's fine.  I should have been watching as well."

Fallon gasped when she really saw him.  She had never seen a guy as gorgeous as he was.  He smiled and asked, "Would the two of you like to have dinner with us tonight?"

Fallon looked to Linley.  Linley responded, "We would love to."

"Great.  Where is your cabin?  We can come and pick you up."

They gave them their room number.  Fallon and Linley continued walking to their cabin.  She said, "Lin, we have a double date tonight and they are gorgeous."

Linley laughed and said, "That we do, my friend.  On our first night too.  I'd say we are in for the trip of a lifetime."

Fallon and Linley had each put on some light makeup and sundresses that they had brought.  They had curled their hair.  Now they just had to wait for their handsome dates to show up.

There was a knock on the door.  Fallon opened the door.  There stood the two guys.  Fallon's date said, "Hello.  I was so struck by you this afternoon that I'm not sure I gave you my name.  My name is Archer and this is my brother, Henry."

"It's nice to really meet you both."

"Can we lead you to the dining room?"

Linley said, "It would be our pleasure." 

The four of them made their way to the dining room."

Fallon and Linley had separated with their dates after dinner.  Fallon and Archer were holding hands as they walked the deck of the ship.  Archer told her, "This has been one of the best nights of my life.  Can I see you again tomorrow?"

"I don't think I see a problem with that.  I look forward to it."

"Great.  Tell me a little bit more about you."

"I'm 21.  Linley and I have been best friends for years.  She is the sister I never had.  I  have two older brothers, Jake and Logan.  They are my protectors.  They always have been.  I'm surprised they didn't throw more of a fit when I told them I was coming on this trip."

Archer chuckled.  "I can understand the big brother role.  I have a little sister, Arabella, that is my world back home.  She just turned 14 and I'm already planning for how I am going to keep the boys away from her.  Then I have Henry who is a year younger than I am as well."

"I bet she loves that."

"Of course she does."  He smiled.

"What else?"

"I'm from England.  I still live with my parents.  I'm 23."

"I thought I recognized that accent.  That is awesome."

"What else about you?"

"I have one year left of college.  Linley and I are getting an apartment off campus for the first time."

"What are you going to college for?"

"Teaching.  What about you?"

"I'm going to go into politics like my father."

"Oh.  That's nice."

"Yeah.  It's nothing too exciting."

Fallon enjoyed getting to know Archer, but she knew it was just a two week trip and after that she would probably never see him again.  That killed her a little on the inside when she felt the connection to him that she couldn't explain.

A Vacation to RememberOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora