Back to School

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Fallon was walking into her placement with Barry following close. Barry had talked to the school and had promised to not make much of a fuss, but he was going to be watching out for the newest princess per the request of the Prince.

Fallon's first graders all came running at her. She took all their hugs. One of the students told her, "Ms. Fallon, you were on a magazine cover! I asked my mommy to buy it! You looked so pretty in your dress."

Fallon smiled as she hugged her again and said, "Thank you sweetheart. I have to introduce you all to my friend. You are going to be seeing him a lot."

All of the other students began coming in the room. The teacher came over to Fallon and Fallon asked, "Mrs. Richards, I would like to introduce you to Barry. Barry has been sent by my over protective husband to watch out for me. Is it okay if I introduce him to the students? Then he will make himself scarce."

Mrs. Richards told her, "That would be fine. Barry, it is very nice to meet you. We all love our Ms. Fallon and we are very glad to have you here."

Fallon gathered all of the students together for their Monday morning meeting. She pulled out a copy of the magazine that the student earlier had brought up. She told him, "I know some of you have probably already seen this. This is one of the pictures from my wedding. Last week while we were on Fall Break I spent the time with my husband."

One of the little boys in the back asked, "What is he wearing? Every wedding my mommy makes me go to the man wears a suit or something. That doesn't look the same."

Fallon chuckled and said, "My husband is a Prince."

A little girl in the front got excited and asked, "Like in the fairytales?"

Fallon smiled, "Kind of. So now they tell me I am a princess. I am going to be staying with all of you through the semester and then I am going to go live in England with my husband. This is my friend, Barry. He is going to be here with us everyday. My husband wanted to make sure that all of us were safe and Barry is awesome at keeping people safe and protected."

All the students were chattering about everything they had just learned. A little girl asked, "Can we meet the prince?"

Fallon laughed and said, "I'm sure he would love to meet you all. He is going to come and visit in two weeks. I'll make sure to ask him if he would like to come to school with me. I'm sure I can talk him into coming in and telling you all about himself and reading you a story."

"Can it be a story about a prince and a princess?"

"How about I ask him if he would like to bring his favorite book and he can read us his favorite book?"

"That works too."

"Great. Now lets back to learning. Everyone wave at Barry and tell him to get out of here. We have learning to do." Barry chuckled and made his exit.

Archer FaceTimed Fallon that evening. He said, "There is my beautiful wife. How are you feeling? How's our babe doing? Is Barry taking good care of you? Do you need anything?"

Fallon laughed and said, "Slow down. I'm feeling fine. I'm so hungry, but I'll take that over wanting to puke all the time. The baby is fine. Still hanging out in here. We both miss you. Barry is great. I introduced him to the kids at school today. I showed them our picture on the magazine. They all want you to come meet them. I told them that I could probably talk you into coming when you visit and reading your favorite book. I don't need anything. I just wish you were here, but it is all going to be fine. I just miss you is all."

"Just two weeks and I will be there. I would love to go to school. I'll bring Rainbow Fish. That was always my favorite."

"That was mine, too."

"Great. You realize we find out what we are having in two weeks, right? We are going to know what our baby is soon."

"Then I'll have to tell the kids about the baby. I don't know how much longer our baby is going to be hiding."

"I can't wait until he or she is not hiding. I want to show both of you off to the world. My world is so much better because of both of you. I don't remember what life was like before you."

"I was just thinking the same thing. I love you so much."

"And I love you. Make sure that Linley is taking care of you. Henry is coming with me when I visit to see her as well. Plus, I would really like him to be there when we find out what we are having."

"I agree. I think that would be nice. Linley misses him. Are we going against tradition or anything finding out what we are having?"

"Babe, it is the 21st century. We can find out what our baby is if we want to. I know this may be a bit much to ask you, but can we still introduce our baby on the steps of the hospital? We don't have to if you don't want to, but I would like to. It's something that has been going on for years."

"As long as you are standing next to us that is what matters. I'm more than fine with that."

"Awesome. I'm going to let you go. I want you to get some rest. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Be careful and make sure that you are taking care of yourself."

"I love you, Archie."

"I love you, too, Fall." They each blew each other a kiss and hung up. Fallon curled up in bed and fell asleep. She dreamed of her baby and her future with Archer. She couldn't have been happier.

A Vacation to RememberOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora