A New Day

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Fallon woke up and she was still wrapped in Archer's arms.  His hands were rested on her stomach.  She would have smiled if she wasn't so terrified.  Before she could really think she was sprinting to the bathroom with her head in the toilet.  She started gagging and couldn't stop.  Then she felt a washcloth go across the back of her neck and her hair go up in a ponytail holder.  Then she found Archer on his knees behind her. 

Fallon finally caught her breath and said, "Please don't look at me.  You are royalty and I'm barfing all over the place."

Archer kissed her head and told her, "I'm not going anywhere.  I'm right here while you are in here.  Can I do anything for you?  What can I do to make you feel better?  I'm partially to blame for the current position you are in.  Plus, if it is helping you, it is helping the baby and vice versa.  Please, let me help.  Tell me something that I can do to  help you."

"Right now I don't really know.  I'm still coming to terms with it.  I'm sorry."

"You have nothing to be sorry about.  We will figure this out together.  So, what are your plans for today?"

"I'm not totally for sure.  When are you and Henry heading back home?"

"Not for another week.  I want to spend some time with you.  Talk about our future plans and get some weight off of your shoulders."

"That doesn't sound so bad.  I think I'm ready to get up off the floor.  Could you help me up please?"

"Of course, my dear."

Archer helped Fallon up off of the floor.  He handed her her toothbrush and waited as she brushed her teeth.  Then he walked them back to the couch.

Henry and Linley came out to the living.  Henry asked, "What is going on?  Linley won't tell me anything and I'm freaking out.  The two of you were asleep by the time we got back."

Archer asked, "What do you think of being an uncle?"

"An uncle?"

"Yeah.  Fallon is four weeks pregnant."

"How is that going to work?"

"We are going to figure that out."

"You know mother and father are going to lose their mind.  Arie is going to be pumped though.  What about the bloodline.  They won't see the baby as an heir unless you are married."

"Would you stop?  Fallon is stressed enough as it is.  She doesn't need to worry about that right now.  We just found out that in 8 months we are going to have a baby to care for."

Fallon sighed and said, "No, he is right.  We need to think of godparents, living arrangements, my schooling, your future with the crown and all of this stuff.  Eight months may seem like a long time, but it really isn't."

"Well, godparents these two?"

Fallon laughed and said, "I think that is something we can agree on quickly.  My schooling is next..."

"Well, it would be wonderful if the baby were born in England, but it isn't a must."

"If I were to go to England, what would happen?  How would I finish classes?  I just have one year left.  I would try to push in all the classes I need, but I have student teaching I need to get done."

"If you will allow me to toss my name around a bit I could get them to let you do student teaching this semester, then you could take the other classes you need online next semester.  Then you could come with me after Christmas back to England."

"That could possibly work."

Linley asked, "Could you do that for me, too?  I want to be able to be there for you guys when the baby gets here.  That isn't going to be able to happen if I'm student teaching next semester."

Archer laughed and said, "I think Henry and I could make that happen.  Of course we are going to want you there when the baby is born."

Fallon said, "I know that you are all powerful and busy and whatnot, but I don't want anyone other than the two of us and our families raising this baby.  No nannies.  The only time I want a nanny to be called is if it is an event that requires everyone to be there."

Archer smiled.  "I love that.  We always liked our nannies, but nothing beats spending time with our parents.  I can definitely handle that."

"Awesome.  What about the crown?  I don't know any of this royal stuff?  What is all of this going to mean for the baby?"

"Well, if we want him or her to be a heir we are going to have to get married before we have the baby.  I would love for our baby to be the heir to the thrown and pass it down to them, but I'm not going to force anything on you that you are not ready for."

"Umm...  Marriage.  Wow."

"I know.  It's big steps, but the moment I met you I saw a future with you."

"Okay.  I could handle that.  I can't promise that I will be the best wife to a king."

"I'll be there to help in any way possible.  It would be wonderful to have you in England with me.  I'll get to show you around.  I'll talk to your advisor for you and get these things settled.  Then we'll work on getting things settled with us.  Planning a wedding and planning trips back and forth between here and England.  I do have to warn you.  The wedding will be encouraged to happen in England in the church that my parents, grandparents and great grandparents were married in."

"I think I can handle that."

"Thank you."

"Thank you for being here."

"I don't want to be anywhere else."

Linley said, "So, Fal, when are you going to tell your family?"

Fallon told her, "The doctor said yesterday that at 12 weeks is when there is a better chance that I will not have a miscarriage.  But I'm going to have to tell them before that."

Archer asked, "Was there something wrong with the baby?"

"Oh no.  That's just what they always say.  That is when I will be out of the first trimester.  But we probably don't want to wait that long.  We'll want to get married before that so that people don't realize that the baby is coming soon."

"So, what do you say to getting married next month?  You let me know what you have always wanted for your wedding and I will make it happen.  All I want you to worry about is your wedding dress.  There are some great wedding dress shops around the palace.  Maybe next weekend you guys could come and go dress shopping.  I want you to meet my mother, father and little sister."

Fallon asked Linley, "Are you up for an adventure to England next weekend?"

"Yes!  That sounds great."

"I guess I will go ahead and tell them tomorrow."

Archer took her hand and said, "I'll be right there beside you."

"Thank you."

Henry asked, "Can we please go get something to eat?  I think everyone needs a break from the serious and to just chill for a bit."

Archer told him, "That would be perfect.  Lets go!"  The four of them spent time with each other and took a break from thinking about all things baby.

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