A Breath of Fresh Air

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Fallon and Archer were walking campus. Archer squeezed her hand and asked, "Are you okay?"

Fallon sniffled and said, "I'm so scared."

"What are you scared of? We are a team. I am here for anything you need?"

"I'm not giving you a son. I'm giving you two daughters. I'm a failure. England is going to hate me. Eventually you are going to hate me. I just don't know what all of this means. I'm going to be a terrible mom. My kids will hate me and I have no idea what I am doing."

"Whoa. Breathe, babe. One, a son is not my priority. I want healthy babies and we are having two healthy girls. Two, England is going to love you. Three, I could never hate you. Four, I have no idea what I am doing either. We are in this together and I couldn't imagine a better person. I know it's scary, but we are going to get through this."

"But what about the line to the thrown?"

"I don't care. I just care that you and our girls are happy and healthy. That is a future problem. Right now I just need you to be happy and our girls to get here. I will drop the title if it upsets you so much. You and these babies are most important."

"No. That can't happen!"

Archer pulled her into his arms. He kissed her and said, "I can't imagine how overwhelmed you are with finishing school, having our babies and becoming the Queen of England.

"I'm just glad you are here. I'm sorry for my breakdown. These hormones are insane."

"I've always got you, beautiful. So now we have to think of names for our girls. What are you thinking? I don't want them to be the babies or them to us and our friends. We can do a gender reveal for the world if you would like or we can wait until they are born. That is all up to you."

"I think I want to keep their genders to just us and the family until they are born. We are going to have to tell the world that I am pregnant at some point though. These girls are making themselves very visible nowadays. I hate it and I love it. I have been thinking about names a little bit. I like the names Winnie and Daisy."

Archer smiled. "Princesses Winnie and Daisy. I like it. Middle names Grace and Kate."

"Winnie Grace and Daisy Kate."

"Beautiful. Now, are you feeling better? Are you ready to go back and tell Henry and Linley about our little miracles? Then I have to prepare myself to meet your little friends."

"I am. Thank you for always being my voice of reason. These girls are going to be blessed to have you as their dad."

"The same will go for them having you as a mother."

Archer pulled her in for a kiss and they continued to walk back to Fallon's apartment.

Fallon and Archer walked back into the apartment. Linley was pacing the whole place. As soon as she heard the door she came over and asked, "What the heck is going on? Is the baby okay? The two of you left here like something terrible had happened."

Fallon told her, "I'm sorry to have worried you. I was a bit overwhelmed and I needed some fresh air and to talk things out. The babies are healthy."

Linley sighed a sigh of relief. Then she said, "Wait a second. Babies?"

"Yep. Turns out I'm double pregnant."

"Oh wow. No wonder you freaked out."

Archer said, "We also found out the genders. We have decided we are going to tell the family and not the world ahead of time. But we knew we were not going to be able to keep this from you two."

"Oh! Do tell! I'm so excited. I have to know so that I can go shopping."

Henry asked, "Well, what are you waiting for? What are they?"

Fallon smiled and said, "Winnie Grace and Daisy Kate will be here soon."

Linley squealed, "Yay! Girls. Little princesses! This is going to be awesome. I don't know how I am going to let you leave knowing that I am going to have nieces."

Archer asked, "What are you talking about? You are coming with us. There is a whole other wing to the castle. You and Henry will have your own space. My mother and sister will have their own space as well. I couldn't imagine not having our family there with us. There is plenty of space and we won't be on top of each other if that is what you are worried about."

Henry said, "Gee thanks, bro. You asked her to move in before I could. Lin, you may want this though." He held out a ring to her.

Linley gasped.

Henry went on to ask, "Will you marry me and be my princess?"

Linley nodded as tears fell from her eyes. She held her hand out to him. Fallon giggled, "Yeah! We are going to be sisters. You are going to be Auntie Linley and our girls are so lucky. Winnie and Daisy are going to love Aunt Linley and Uncle Henry."

Henry hugged her and said, "I look forward to meeting them."

Archer asked, "Fall, are you ready to call your parents, brothers and my parents to tell them about our princesses? Then I have a big day of school tomorrow meeting your little friends."

Before Fallon could reply Archer had swooped her up in her arms as she squealed. She called over her shoulder, "Good night guys!" They all chuckled and went their own way.

Archer and Fallon crawled in bed. They made their exciting phone calls and got ready for bed. Fallon was so excited to take her husband to work with her and introduce him to her smallest friends. Though their life was unconventional it was perfect for the two of them.

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