Interview and Goodbye

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Fallon was standing with Archer as they waited for the interview to begin. Archer grabbed her hand and squeezed it. He whispered in her ear, "It is all going to be fine. It will be over before we know it. Then I want to take you out into the garden before you leave me."

"That sounds wonderful."

The interviewer asked, "Your Royal Highness and Ms. Grace are you ready to begin?"

Archer said, "Yes sir."

The interviewer asked, "Your Highness, we are all wondering why you called for interview. We haven't heard much from you in the last few months since you announced that you were officially in training to take over the thrown."

"I wanted to formally announce that I am engaged to be married and we will be married next month. I love this country and I wanted to introduce you all to my amazing fiancee and the soon to be Princess."

"Congratulations! I'm sure it will be the event of the year."

Archer turned and winked at Fallon, "It is sure to be one of them."

"Ms. Grace, tell us about yourself. We have all been curious of the woman that caught the attention of our Prince."

Fallon cleared her throat and said, "I'm really not that special. I was born and raised in Kentucky. I have two very protective older brothers and two amazing sisters in law. Along with my loving parents. They will all be making the trip the next month to be here with me while I marry this dreamboat. My mother and sisters in law came with me this weekend as well to go dress shopping. We are all very excited for this wedding."

"What is the hurry?"

Before Archer could reply Fallon said, "Who wouldn't be in a hurry to marry this guy? Archer is the most loving and respectable man I have ever met. I couldn't have found anyone better to spend the rest of my life with. I look forward to growing a family and life with him."

"A family. Is that in the plans?"

Archer smiled and kissed Fallon on the cheek, "It is in the plans for the very near future. We are both very excited to have children."

Fallon smiled and said, "I couldn't agree with Archer anymore. I can't wait to have children with him."

The interviewer went on to ask, "How did the two of you meet?"

"On vacation. It was a fast attraction. I literally ran into him out of the middle of nowhere. I had no idea who he was. I never kept up with celebrities. I fell in love with him that night. It's all kind of history from there. That was only a little over a month ago, but it feels like it was a lifetime ago. Now I get to spend the rest of my life with him."

"Wasn't it a cruise?"

"It was."

"How did you not notice his security guards?"

Fallon chuckled. "I ask myself that all the time. Joe and Barry are very good at their job. I'm glad Archer and Henry have them on their side. They are so good to them and keep them safe which makes me feel better when I can't be here with Archer."

"What are your plans for after the wedding?"

"I have to finish my student teaching. Then I will be moving here around Christmas and finish the rest of my schooling online. It was very important to me to get to finish my schooling and get my degree in education since I have put so much work into it."

"That is very admirable of you."

Archer pulled her to his side and said, "England and I are very lucky to be getting this woman."

"Your Highness what are you planning to do while Fallon is in America? Why get married now if she is going to be moving in December?"

"Look at this face. I couldn't risk sending her to America for too long unattached. I had to take her off the market before someone tried to take her from me. I'm planning on making trips to see her and she will be making trips when she is able to as well. We are going to make it work and it will make things even sweeter until we can be together all the time."

"That sounds wonderful. Thank you for talking with us. We look forward to hearing more from our royal couple again soon." The three of them said their goodbyes.

The girls were getting ready to board the plane. Archer pulled Fallon to him and gave her a deep kiss. He said, "I'm going to miss you so much, Fall. Be careful. Call me as soon as you get home. FaceTime me soon."

Fallon told him, "Make sure that your mother doesn't go through too much stress for the wedding."

"I'll do my best. Good luck with student teaching, babe. I want to hear all about it. Take care of yourself and do not stress too much."

"You be careful, too."

Archer got on his knees and kissed her stomach, "Be good to mommy, baby. Daddy is going to miss you both. I can't wait until your mommy is here all the time. I just have one more month until I am married to your mommy and we will be one step closer to being a family. Then we can focus on getting ready for you. I'm hoping the next seven months go as quick as the last two have so that we can finally meet you."

"Okay, cheesy. Do you think they caught on in our interview today?"

"No way. All they could tell is I can't wait to be a daddy. It's going to be here soon."

"It is. I have to go. I'll talk to you as soon as I get home. Don't go changing your mind on us."

"Not a chance. I love you."

"And I love you." Archer pulled her in for another deep kiss. He finally let her go and she boarded the plane after beginning to cry. The girls did everything they could to help her get her mind off of missing Archer on their way back to the states.

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