Day Date

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Linley was sitting on the side of her bed.  She said, "Those brothers that we met yesterday are gorgeous.  And those accents.  Oh my goodness."

Fallon laughed.  "I know, right?  Archer is the sweetest and the cutest."

"And you are going out with him again today?"

"Yeah.  We are supposed to go swimming.  Then just hang out some more.  I'm just afraid that I am going to get too attached.  Then the two weeks will be over and I won't have him around any more."

"But you can't let fear keep you from the good things in life.  If it is meant to be then there will be a way for it to happen.  I know that doesn't make it any easier, but it is the truth."

"I know you are right.  I just have to work on not putting so much stock into other people.  It's no wonder I have never had a boyfriend before this."

"Hey.  No guy has ever been good enough for you anyway."

"Thanks for that.  The same goes for you.  What is going on with Henry?"

"I'm seeing him again tonight."

"We are going out with brothers.  It's what we always joked would happen.  I can't believe it."

"I know what you mean.

Linley hadn't seen Fallon and Archer all day.  She was out with Henry.  Henry said, "My brother has a thing for your friend."

"My friend has a thing for your brother."

"I have a thing for you, too."

Linley laughed.  "Well, small world.  I have a thing for you, too."

"Good.  I'm not wasting my time on something that may not go anywhere.  I do like where this is going."

"So do I."

"Thank you for coming out with me this evening.  I was afraid that I was going to be on my own when my brother found your friend.  I could tell the way that he was looking at her that he was going  to go for her."

"I totally could tell, too.  I'm glad you invited my out tonight.  I am really looking forward to what could happen in the next two weeks."

"I am looking forward to it as well.  I foresee a lot of good things coming soon."

"So do I."

"Let's go get some ice cream.  I think we need a little bit of sugar in our system."

"I couldn't agree more."

"I like that we have similar mindsets.  Lets go get us some ice cream.  I'm not ready for our evening to be over yet."

"Neither am I."  Henry grabbed her hand and they continued on their way.  Linley loved this time that she had with Henry and she couldn't have been happier to know that her best friend was happy as well.

Fallon was standing against the side of the ship.  Archer gave her a kiss.  He said, "I've wanted to do that since the moment I met you.  I couldn't hold myself back any longer.  You are just too beautiful."

Fallon blushed.  "Thank you.  I do have to say that that kiss was something I have wanted to do with you as well."

"Can I do it again?"

Fallon smiled.  "I would be upset if you didn't."

"I like that answer."  Archer gave her a deep kiss and led Fallon back to his cabin.  Fallon couldn't help but follow him.  There was something about this guy that she couldn't put her finger on, but she knew that he was something more special than she had ever experienced before.  Archer had a charm to him that was nothing like anyone that Fallon had ever met or cared about before.

A Vacation to RememberWhere stories live. Discover now