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Fallon was crying as she laid in bed. The contractions were killing her. Archer was sitting at her side. He grabbed her hand and said, "Baby, get the epidural."

Fallon sniffled. "No. I'm too scared. This hurts, but I'm so afraid."

"Baby, I'm not leaving you. Do whatever will make you feel better."

"You don't need to see me like this. I can call you once I have the babies."

"I do not think so. I'm not leaving you. I'm going to be right here by your side. What can I do to make things better?"

Fallon sobbed and said, "I don't know. It hurts."

Archer rolled up his sleeves and told her, "Scoot up, baby. I'm going to sit behind you and rub your back. That has to help a little bit."

The doctor came in and asked, "How are things going in here?"

Fallon told him, "Please tell me that this will be over soon."

The doctor checked her out and said, "I'm sorry to tell you, but you are only five centimeters. It's going to be a while. Your water hasn't broken yet either. Try and get as comfortable as you can. Can we do anything for you? Have you decided on the epidural?"

"I don't want the epidural."

"Okay. Let us know if there is anything we can do to make you sure you are comfortable. Do either of you need anything?"

Archer told him, "I think we are okay. Can you help me sit her up in bed a little bit? I'm going to try to massage out some of the tension she is feeling in her back."

Archer got in bed with her right as she started having a contraction. Archer held her as she made her way through breathing through the contraction.

Both of set of their parents came in the room. Fallon said, "Your majesties I am so sorry that you are seeing me this way."

Sophia said, "Stop right there. You look wonderful. How are things going in here? Do either of you need anything? Are they giving you the care that you need?"

Archer told her, "Fallon is at five centimeters. The contractions are getting stronger. I can't get the stubborn girl to get the epidural. Other than that things are fine."

Fallon said, "I'm just scared. It hurts pretty badly. I'm tired."

Her mom said, "Honey, it is okay to take the epidural. No one is going to shame you for it."

"I don't want the needle right now. Right now I just want to curl up in a ball in the fetal position. I am really sorry that you all are seeing me this way. I wanted to have more class than this."

Archer kissed her head, "Baby, you are doing great. No other thoughts. You are doing awesome. Daisy and Winnie will be here soon. I've got you babe."

Fallon told the king, "I am so sorry that you came all the way here and nothing has happened yet. I'm sure you have better things to be doing than this. I wish I could move this along."

Douglas told her, "I am sorry that I have not spent a lot of time getting to know you. We are in no hurry. We are just looking forward to meeting our granddaughters. Please let us know if you need anything. I will make sure that you have it."

Fallon's dad came over and told her, "They will be here soon. I'm going to get out of your way. I love you, sweet girl." The four of them left.

Linley came in holding hands with Henry along with Katie, Ella, Logan and Jake. Fallon sighed as she fell back into Archer's arms. He wiped her forehead.

Linley asked, "How are you doing?"

Fallon sighed, "I want them out of me and I want my body back. They have had control long enough."


"Not soon enough. You all should go get some rest. It's going to be a while. I'm only half way. You shouldn't be waiting here and uncomfortable. Plus Katie you need to get off of your feet."

Katie told her, "I've already told Logan we are not leaving this hospital until we meet these babies. What do I need to know for when I have this little boy?"

"It hurts. It really hurts."

"Are you doing the epidural?"

"No. I'm planning on not doing the epidural."

Linley said, "You aren't taking the drugs? Girl!"

Archer said, "I know! I'm trying to talk her into it."

"She's stubborn. We all know that."

Fallon exclaimed, "Hey! I'm having two babies here. Be nice to me!"

"We're just kidding. You are doing a great job. They will be here soon. Can I get you anything?"

"I'm okay. I'm just ready to have them in my arms and these contractions to stop."

Jake said, "I am so proud of you and I cannot wait to meet these sweet girls. We're going to get out of your face. Keep it up, little sis. You've got this."

They all walked out. Archer held her tighter and asked, "What can I do for you? Anything. I'll make it happen."

"Some ice chips and some jello? I'm starving and I know I can't have anything more than clear liquids. But I do not want you to leave me."

"I'll call the nurse. I'm not going anywhere just like I promised you. Baby, I want you to try to get a little nap in, if you can." Archer made the call to the nurse and held Fallon in his arms as she took a short nap.

It had been twenty eight hours. Fallon was still in labor and still was not taking the epidural. The doctor finally came in and said, "I have good news. We are ready to push. You will have your babies very soon. We are ready to move you to the delivery room."

Just as they were about to move her to the delivery room she had the worst contraction yet. She squeezed Archer's hand and said, "I don't care if you are a freaking prince and you always get what you want. You are never touching me again. This hurts! I feel like they are tearing my body in half. I don't want you to ever look at me again. If I ever get pregnant again I will find a way for you to birth the child so I don't have to. Your money has to be able to do that for me. I'm so tired. I don't know how I am going to do this."

Archer said, "Okay baby. Daisy and Winnie will be here soon. We just have to get through this. Then I'll get you anything you want. I'll do anything you want me to do."

The nurse and doctor had her prepped. Archer was right at her side as he had promised. And an hour later they welcomed two beautiful screaming baby girls into the world. Neither of them could have been more exhausted, but still elated to be parents after such a long wait. Both babies were a little small due to being four weeks early, but just as healthy as could be expected.

Princess Daisy Kate Fleming was born at 7:42 pm weighing 4 pounds and 2 ounces. She was 18 inches long.

Princess Winnie Grace Fleming was born at 7:52 pm weighing 4 pounds exactly. She was 17 inches long.

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