Castle Thoughts

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Fallon and Linley walked in and were overwhelmed.  Linley said, "Holy crap.  This is our house!  This is where we are going to be living.  We are marrying brothers!  We are really going to be close like we always wanted to be.  This is crazy."

Fallon put her hand on her stomach and said, "And my babies will be here before we know it.  I have three months to figure out what we still need and how to be a mom before they get here.  I'm scared."

Linley hugged her.  "You are going to be the best mom.  You have been mothering me for years.  Winnie and Daisy aren't going to know what to do with such a cool mom and dad."

Archer wrapped his arm around Fallon and gave her a kiss.  He asked, "Are you okay, beautiful?"

"Yeah.  I'm just thinking.  I can't believe this is where my babies are going to grow up.  They are going to get in so much trouble with all of these cool hiding places."

"Henry and I will only show them the very best.  Can I get you anything?"

"I really want some lemonade."

"I will make that happen.  Anything else?"

"A peanut butter, marshmellow fluff and banana sandwich?"

Archer chuckled.  "I'll make that happen.  Then I want to take you all on a tour of the house.  Arabella will be so happy to see you.  She has been going crazy waiting for you to get here.  She is so excited about the babies.  I don't know if we will ever see them after they are born if she has anything to do with it."

"She is the sweetest.  I can't wait to get to know her better."

"She is looking forward to that, too."

The four of them took a tour of the castle.    Archer said, "Here is our room.  Across the hall will be the twins room until they are ready to be seperated.  The next room would be perfect for the second room they would need."

Fallon smiled, "You have really thought about this, haven't you?"

"More than I want to admit.  I really missed you while you were away."

Linley asked, "Where are we going to be?"

Henry wrapped his arm around her and said, "We are in the other wing of the house.  There are three wings.  Mom and Arabella have one wing.  You and I have one wing.  Then these two and the babies will be in the third.  Then the kitchen, dining room and sitting room are all in the common area.  As is the library and movie room."

Fallon yawned.  Archer asked, "Do you want to take a nap?"

"No.  I need to get on this time.  I'll be fine.  Winnie and Daisy are just taking a lot out of me."

"So, when do you want to go shopping for our girls?  I want to get started on the room.  Every book I've read says that twins tend to come early.  I want to be as ready as we can be for them."

"I'm fine to go shopping whenever you want to.  You are the one that has a set schedule."

"Tomorrow.  I'll clear my schedule.  The two of us will go shopping for our girls."

Linley asked, "Can I come?"

"Of course.  I'm going to call about getting us a shopping time without anyone else.  That way we will have the whole store to ourselves and we won't have to maneuver around any paparazzi.  That way we can enjoy it and take our time."

Fallon asked, "You can do that?"

"Babe, you could do that on your own if you wanted to.  I know you aren't used to this treatment yet, but this is your life now.  If you make a call you can get it done."


"No buts.  You are their princess.  The people already love you and they are only going to love you more, the more they get to know you.  Mom is wanted to throw a dinner in your honor and I want to show my beautiful wife off.  It's been way too long since I have had the chance to show everyone just how much I love you."


"Great.  We will shop for our girls and we will get you a new dress.  I can't wait to spoil you.  I love you and I am so happy to finally have you home with me."

"I'm happy to be here with you, too.  I've missed you, Archie."

"I've missed you too, Fall.  Let's take a tour of the rest of the castle.  I can't wait for you to see everything."

The small group continued on their tour of the castle.

Fallon and Archer were lying bed that night.  Archer had his arm around Fallon.  She said, "You aren't going to be able to get your arm around me much longer. They are getting huge."

"That just means we are getting that much closer to meeting them.  I can't wait to hold our girls in my arms.  I can't wait to see you be a mommy.  It's all coming and I am more than ready for it."

"And I can't wait to see you be a daddy.  Our babies are so lucky to have you.  A king and a daddy all in a matter of months.  I don't know how you do it."

"It's only because I have you with me.  I wouldn't be half the man that I am without you at my side."

"Stop it."

"It's the truth.  I can't wait until our family is complete.  I hope you don't mind, but mother and Arabella wanted to come with us tomorrow to shop for the baby."

"Shouldn't your mom be around the castle."

"I think they will be fine without her for an afternoon.  I think we could all use a morning off to shop for the newest princesses in our lives.  I think it will be a great family activity, as long as that is okay with you.  I can tell Henry, mom and Arabella to stay home if you would like."

"Oh no!  I think it would be nice to have them there as well.  I want to get to know your mom better.  She is the grandmother of my babies.  I think it would be nice to get to know her outside of the castle."

"I think so as well.  Now get some rest my beautiful wife.  We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow.  We need you well rested for our girls."

"I love you.  Good night, Archie."

"Good night, babe.  I love you, too."  Fallon was asleep before he finished the sentence.

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