Goodbye For Now

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Fallon and Linley were standing at the private airstrip. Archer said, "Please be careful. I will see you in England in a week. Call me if you need anything at all. I'll make sure you get it. I just hate leaving you, especially since you are pregnant."

Fallon hugged him and said, "We will both be fine. I promise you that. If anything comes up I will call your or Barry. No need for you to worry about me. Linley isn't going to let me do anything."

"I have an interview scheduled for when I get home to announce our engagement. Then we are going to need to have a joint interview while you are in next weekend."

"As long as you are here with me I think I can handle it."

"Of course. I will be right here. Take care." He quickly moved his hand to her stomach and said, "Be nice to mommy."

Henry said, "I hate to pull you away, but we need to get home."

Fallon pulled Henry to the side and said, "Don't let Archer stress too much. I'll see you guys in a week. I'll bring Linley next week to repay you."

He laughed. "To repay me? The two of you are inseperable. You wouldn't go dress shopping without her. I'm not an idiot."

"You got me already. Thank you for not treating me like the person that has ruined your brother's life."

"Oh no. You are the person that has made him the happiest. I have never seen my brother with the smile on his face that he has when talks about you or that baby. I'm looking forward to having you as a sister in law. I hope things get better between you and your brothers."

"I do too. I'm just glad I have you and Archer."

"Arabella is going to be obsessed with you when she meets you and our mother is going to love you. You have nothing to worry about there. Just take it easy."

"Will do."

Linley told Henry, "Don't fall in love with any princess or anything while you are gone."

Henry said, "Absolutely not. I only love you." The two of them shared a kiss. Then the girls pushed the boys onto the plane.

Fallon and Linley were sitting on their couch watching movies. The boys had just called to tell them that they had landed safely and would be talking to them soon. Fallon felt a weight lifted from her shoulders knowing that they were safe.

There was a knock on the door. Fallon got up and opened the door to see Jake and Logan. She asked, "What am I going to have to hear now? Any more insults or degrading things you didn't get out the other night?"

Jake said, "I am so sorry. We both are. We were terrible to you the other night. You didn't deserve that. You are going through a difficult time as it is. You didn't need to hear it from us as well. That wasn't fair to you."

"I'm sorry I am disappointment, but you are never going to make me feel like my baby was a mistake. I already love my little jellybean. I know life isn't going to be easy married to a prince, but Archer is more than that to me. He is someone that I know that put the safety and happiness of our child before anything else, even though he is going to be a king."

Logan told her, "We really want to get to know him. He has to be special if he can make our little sister this happy. I will kick his butt if he does anything to hurt you or our niece or nephew."

"You really don't have to worry about that."

"Let us see that rock." Fallon held out her hand.

Fallon told them, "The two of you have wonderful wives. I couldn't be more thankful for the two of them."

Jake replied, "They are pretty great. The two of them care a lot about you and they are already talking about how much they are going to miss you when you move to England and have the baby."

"I'm not going to disappear. I'll only be a FaceTime away. And a plane ride. I'm going to be coming back for visits. It's not going to be goodbye forever when I do go to England, it will just be for a little while."

Logan asked, "Can we come in and hang out with our little sisters for a bit? We've missed you. We are going to have to beg Linley to forgive us, too. We know the two of you tell each other everything and there is no way that she won't be ready to rip our heads off."

Fallon welcomed the two of them into the apartment. The four of them sat and talked for a while. Fallon was glad to be on good terms with everyone again.

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