Goodbye For Now

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Archer was walking Fallon to her new apartment. Fallon had her head on his shoulder as they walked. She said, "Thank you for the wonderful time, your highness. I couldn't have imagined a more beautiful honeymoon or time well spent with the man that I love."

Archer rolled his eyes and said, "It was cute the first couple of times. Now it is just annoying. It's Archie, Archer or husband to you, princess. I'm glad we were able to stay away from the paps. It was nice to have you to myself without any prying eyes."

Fallon smiled. "Yeah. The only prying eyes we had were Barry and I'm used to that now."

"Good. I'm leaving you in his capable hands. I'll introduce you to my guard when I come visit in two weeks."

"I don't know how I am going to make it two weeks without you, now that we are married. It was different when there was a chance that you could leave me at the alter. I wasn't as worried as I am now. Now you can just decide you want an annulment, take our baby and go on with life with some beautiful princess that wasn't so dumb as to not know who you were or get pregnant right after meeting you."

At this point Fallon was crying. Archer stopped, turned to look at her and took her face between his hands. He said, "No. I have all that I want and need at my fingertips. I love you and only you. And our jellybean, of course. I know the distance is going to be hard, but I will be on a flight as often as I can be. I want you to come for American Thanksgiving since I know you will have the time off. We are going to make this work and you are going to be back in my arms before you even know it. I love you so much, Fallon. That is not going to change, no matter the distance."

"I'm sorry I am such a mess. I'm just so worried that I am not good enough. What if I can't give you a son? What if I'm not what England imagined? What if I mess up?"

"A son? Now I know you have been watching too much of that Henry the VIII show. That is how things used to be. That is not how they are now. A princess can be just as important as a prince. I think I would love having a girl just as much if not more than a boy. All the tea parties and all of the matching clothes that I could get for the two of you. It would be a dream come true."

"You are just too perfect. These hormones..."

"Are just a sign that things are going the way that they should be. We just have two months left before we find out what our little jellybean is. I want you to stay as stress free as possible."

"Are we going to have to give our baby one of those old time names like Edward or Elizabeth?"

Archer laughed. "Babe, we can name our baby whatever we want. All that I ask is that the baby have a little bit of both of their cultures in their name. An English and an American name, so they are balanced with both of us."

"That would be perfect."

"And you are not going to send our baby away to be taken care of by someone else, are you?"

He rolled his eyes. "You really need to stop watching Reign and The Tudors. Babe, that was hundreds of years ago. That is not how it would be. It is not how it will be. I love you. I love our baby. I want to spend as much time as I can with both of you as I can. I will do everything I can to keep the two of you as close to me as much as possible once we get through your time in college. Then we will be able to begin our happily ever after together."

"You are such a sappy guy and I love it. Thank you for always knowing what to say."

"Anytime. Now I need to get you to your apartment so that you can get some rest before it is back to work for you tomorrow."

"I wonder how many of my classmates saw our wedding picture in the tabloids."

"I hope they all did. I would show the whole world just how beautiful you were over and over again if I had the ability. I am just so thankful that you are mine. I am definitely going to be looking forward to our daily FaceTimes."

"So will I. It's going to be those phone calls that keep me going until I am able to have you in my arms again."

"Though it seems so far away, it will be here before you know it. We will be back to sharing a bed and being together very soon."

Archer took Fallon's hand again and pulled it up to his lips to kiss before they continued walking again. Though goodbyes were always hard, they both knew this goodbye was not for forever. They were going to be working on getting to Christmas so they could be together every day.

It was all hitting Fallon so hard at this point that she felt pulled in two directions. She was going to be far away from her husband and father of her baby, but soon to get to be with him she would be separated from her family that had always been her biggest supporters and there for her when she needed it most. It just didn't feel like there was any winning in this situation, but she knew that it was time for her to grow up and start working on what she was going to be doing to raise and support her own child in the coming months. She was going to be a mother soon and she was determined to be the best mother to her ability.

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