Telling The News

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Fallon woke up to Archer holding her in his arms.  She smiled and said, "I really don't want to get used to this."

"Honey, it will be okay.  We'll figure this out.  I already talked to your adviser.  I talked to Linley's as well.  Both of you are set to student teaching this semester.  No worries there.  Then you can take your other classes online next semester."

"That is awesome.  I hate that you are pulling strings, but I'm so happy that our baby will be able to be with both of us."

"I am looking forward to this as well.  How are you feeling this morning?"

"I'm okay.  A little nauseous, but I'll be okay."

"Are we going to go tell your parents and brothers today?"

"Yes.  I have to tell them while I still have the guts.  I have to see if my mom can come with us to go dress shopping."

"That sounds great.  I'll tell my parents this week so they will be prepared when you come."

"They aren't going to hire someone to make me disappear, are they?"

Archer chuckled.  "No.  I am going to make sure that they know how much I love you and do nothing to upset you.  You mean way too much to me."

"They aren't going to believe me that the baby is yours."

"I don't care what they think.  I know that this baby is mine.  I know that I have been your only.  As much as you tried to hide it, I could tell.  I couldn't be happier to know that I am the only man you have been with.  I can't wait to hold our baby in my arms."

"You are way too charming.  I'm so glad that you are here with me."

"I will be here as much as humanly possible."

"Thank you.  I..."  Then she jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom for her morning sickness.

Fallon took a deep breath as she held Archer's hand in front of the door.  He pulled her in for a kiss and said, "Babe, it is going to be fine.  We are going to be in this together."

"I'm so glad you are here with me."

"Lets go do this.  I'm looking forward to meeting the people that my girl has come from.  I know we are technically engaged, but can I call you my girlfriend?  I want to go pick out a ring for you tomorrow.  I want it to be exactly what you want."

"I could handle that.  I want you to pick out the ring on your own.  I want it to be something that comes from you and only you."

He sighed.  "Fine.  I guess I can do that.  Lets get inside."

Fallon walked inside and took Archer with her.  Her parents met them at the door.  Each of them hugged Fallon.  Her mother, Lilah said, "Hello your highness."

Archer told them, "Oh no.  Please, it's Archer.  It's very nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Grace."

Fallon's father, Carter, said, "We are Lilah and Carter."

"It is nice to meet you."

Fallon told them, "We need to tell you something.  I really want to tell you before Jake and Logan get here."

Lilah asked, "What is the matter?"

"I'm...  Um...  I'm pregnant."

"You are what?"

"I'm four weeks pregnant."

"Oh my.  What is going to happen?  With a prince?  The whole world is going to refer to you as a harlot."

Archer held Fallon close to him and said, "I am not going to let anyone say those things about Fallon.  I would like to marry your daughter if you will let me."

Carter said, "The two of you have only known each other for a month, but you have only talked to each other for two weeks.  You don't know each other."

Fallon told him, "Daddy, I love him.  I want to marry him.  I knew I wanted to the moment I met him.  I know it seems crazy, but it's true.  Plus, we are having a baby.  I want my baby to have her father.  If we get married our baby will be the next heir to the throne and then we'll get married before anyone knows that I am pregnant."

"I don't want you rushing into anything."

"It's okay.  We've talked.  I'm going to do my student teaching here after we get married.  Then I'll move to England after Christmas."

Lilah exclaimed, "You are moving to England?!"

"Yes.  That is where Archer is and he can't rule here.  We'll still have about four months to get to know each other before I move."

"But you are having my first grandbaby and you are moving across the ocean."

Archer said, "Lilah, I know all of this is huge, but I want you to know that I am going to take care of Fallon and our baby.  My jet will always be just a phone call away to you all if you ever want to come visit.  We are going to be expecting visits and we will be visiting as well as once the baby is born."

Fallon said, "I need to go looking for a dress.  Mom, will you come with me?  Arch said there are some great shops not far from the palace."

"Yes.  I thought you all could go shopping the week after next and we could get married soon after that."

Lilah smiled, "I would not miss shopping for your wedding dress."

Fallon hugged her, "Thanks, momma.  You can be with me when I meet the King and Queen.  I'll have to make sure that you meet Archer's brother Henry before they go back to England."

Carter asked, "How are you going to make this work?"

Archer said, "Sir, we are going to be making a lot of FaceTime calls.  I'll be coming over as frequent as I can until Fallon can be with me.  I don't not plan on disappearing if that is what you are afraid of.  I care way too much about your daughter and our baby.  I am going to do everything in my power to be available to her whenever she needs me."

Carter sighed.  "Okay.  I see that you mean what you say, but I am going to be the easy one to win over.  Her brothers are going to lose their minds."  At that moment the door opened to Jake and Logan with their wives Katie and Stella.

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