Two Weeks

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Fallon's family had stayed for two weeks. They had went home the day before. Everyone was getting back to their lives. Fallon was overwhelmed. She had just fed both the girls. She was getting ready to change them and get them ready for the day. Winnie would not have it. She was what Fallon and Archer liked to call moody. If she wasn't with the person she wanted right that moment she was not shy about letting you know. Fallon's mother laughed and told her that it was Karma coming back to get her since she was a troublesome baby herself.

Daisy was the easy going one of the two. She hardly ever cried and slept like a champ.

Archer came in in his nice clothes. He asked, "How are all my girls this morning?"

Fallon was sniffling over the crying baby. Archer came over and kissed her, then took Winnie in his arms. He said, "Honey, you have to tell me when things are going on? What's wrong?"

"I'm fine."

"Stop lying to me."

She sighed. "I'm a terrible mother. I can't get her to stop. She hates me."

"She can tell that you are overwhelmed. It's just been two weeks. We are all still getting used to everything. For the last two weeks there have been ten other people here and ready to help us."

She sniffled and said, "You shouldn't be holding them before a meeting with the government. They are sure to ruin your suit."

Archer chuckled. "I'm not going to pass up any extra time with any of my girls."

"Just go ahead and call a nanny. I'm no good for them."

"Oh no. You are not going there. I won't let you. You don't want a nanny. I don't want our girls raised by someone else. We will make this work."

"Okay. Let me take her before she pukes all over you. You don't have enough time to change your clothes again." Fallon went to take Winnie and she started crying again.

Archer said, "Hey. We are a team, so we are going to make this work. I have my meeting. How long until their next feeding?"

"Three hours."

"Okay. I'll take Winnie with me. I've told them that being a father is my number one priority and I am not going to change my mind now. I'll wear her during the meeting. I'll bring her back in time for her feeding and then we can switch off. I'll take Daisy with me to my afternoon meeting. Divide and conquer."

"I can't let you do that."

"You aren't letting me do anything. I'm their father and I am determined to be a good one. This is where I start. You bond with our Daisy girl for some one on one time. I'll get her this afternoon. Right now you are upset and Winnie can tell. That's upsetting her."

"Okay. I hope the government doesn't hate me for being weak."

"Babe, no one thinks are you weak. You are the strongest woman I know. You have hardly slept because of our girl here. I want you to nap with Daisy for a while. I'll be back to check on you and trade off soon. I love you."

"I love you. Thank you."

"No need to thank me. I plan to do everything I can to be a good husband and father. It may take me a while to get used to it, but we are going to make this work. I'm going to go put this girl in the chest carrier and get to my meeting. I'm really looking forward to showing her off."

Fallon kissed him and said, "I don't deserve you."

"You deserve so much better than me. I just hope that I can live up to it. Please try and nap with Daisy. She should let you get some rest." He kissed her again and took off with Winnie.

Archer stood up in front of the members of the government and said, "Hello gentlemen. Thank you for allowing me the time to be with my wife and our daughters. We have a stubborn one on our hands and she likes to have her way. Winnie here does not like to be put down and I am a little excited that at the moment she is very much a daddy's girl. I hope that you can look past the adorable baby and we can get down to business. I am going to be hands on father and I am sure we are going to have many meetings like this one."

The men chuckled as Archer went on with the meeting. Winnie slept soundly on his chest through the whole meeting. It was truly a sight to be seen.

Archer crept into their bedroom to find Fallon curled up on the bed. He was so happy to see that she was finally get some rest, but hated to see the the alarm on her phone was about to go off for the babies' next feeding. Archer went ahead and got the girls ready for her. He pulled out new diapers to change them into after they were finished. He was ready when she was. He wanted to be useful and help while he could in any way that he could.

Fallon's alarm went off. She woke up and Archer sat next to her. He said, "I am so happy to see you get some rest. Are you feeling any better?"

"Yes. Thank you. The nap was just what I needed. I'm sorry I was cranky earlier."

"You are a new mom. It's hard, but we are going to figure it out. I have thirty minutes until my next meeting. What can I do to help?"

"It looks like you've done it all. Thank you again. I love you."

"I love you, too. Lets feed these girls before they show their demon sides." Both of them chuckled as they fed and changed the girls. Fallon and Archer were proving to be quite the team and both of them couldn't have been happier to have their little family together. They were forming a schedule and such. It was turning out to be a wonderful chance for the two of them to get to know each other and their daughters better.

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