Move in Day

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Fallon and Linley were moving into their apartment. Fallon was still not her normal self. Everyone that knew her could tell. They were all moved in. Before Linley could ask Fallon if she was okay, Fallon went running for the bathroom.

Linley pulled out her phone and called Henry. When he picked up Linley said, "Hey Henry."

"Hey Lin. How are things in America?"

"They are okay. How are things in England?"

"We have a distraught almost king. Arch is all tore up over Fallon."

"Fallon isn't herself either. I know she misses him, but she's not going to admit it. She's made herself sick. She won't tell me anything other than that she is okay and I don't need to worry about her. I can't help myself. She is my best friend."

"I completely understand. Archer is the same for me. He's my big brother, but he is also my best friend."

Fallon screamed from the bathroom. Linley quickly said, "I have to go. There is something wrong with Fallon." Before Henry could ask another question Linley hung up and went running to the bathroom.

Linley barged into the bathroom. She found Fallon sitting on the closed toilet lid and asked, "What is wrong? Are you okay?"

Fallon looked up at her and said, "I'm pregnant."


"I'm pregnant. I've been sick the last couple of days I couldn't keep anything down. Then it hit me yesterday that my period was late. I took four pregnancy tests and they are all positive. I can't do this! I still have a year of college left. We start classes in a week. The baby will come before the year is over. Plus I'm pregnant by a freaking prince! How could I have been stupid enough to let this happen? My baby is going to hate me. He or she isn't going to know their father because he will be too busy running a country and doing all kingly things. Plus Archer has to hate me because of the way that I treated him the last time we saw each other."

Linley wrapped her arms around her and said, "That isn't true. Archer cares about you a great deal."

"But this could ruin his life! A baby out of wedlock! I'm sure that is frowned upon in his position."

"You don't know until you talk to him."

"What if he wants to get married? What if he wants us to get married? I can't be the wife to a king! I don't know anything about royal life. I can't keep my kid away from his father or his father away. I just don't know what to do."

"You are going to calm down. You have to think of your health and the health of the baby. You stressing out like this is not going to help anybody. We will go to the doctor before you get too worked up."

"Thank you for being here for me."

"Any time. You know you are like the sister I never had. I'll always be there for you. That is never going to change."

"Thank you."

"Lets go make you an appointment. Then we will take everything else one step at a time." Linley wrapped her arm around Fallon and went with her to be the emotional support that she needed.

Henry was pacing the palace floor. Archer found him and asked, "What is wrong with you? You look like you're about to puke."

Henry sighed and said, "I just talked to Linley."

"And what has you so upset about it? At least you have a girl talking to you."

"That's not it. While I was on the phone with her she said that Fallon is sick."

"She's sick? What kind of sick?"

"I don't know. She just said she was sick and then she screamed. Linley hung up before I could find out if anything was wrong."

"Oh my gosh. I have to get to her. I have to find out what is wrong with her. I have to talk to her. I have to make sure that she is okay and she gets the best care possible."

"Whoa. Slow down. We don't know anything."

"Exactly. That is why we are going to get on the plane and go. I'll get it set up."

"What about your responsibilities here? You are supposed to be shadowing father."

"That can wait. I will never forgive myself if I don't find out what is wrong with Fallon and do something to help her."

"Fine. Go tell mother and father that we are going to America, I guess. I'll call the private jet."

"Thank you. I appreciate your help."

The two of them went off to get the things done that they needed to and then were on their way to check on the two girls that meant the most to them. They were determined that they were going to make things happen.

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