Wedding Day

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The month went by much quicker than Fallon had expected. She was excited to be marrying Archer, but she was terrified at the same time. She was going to be the wife of the future King of England. Ans she was going to be a mom in right about six months. She was right at 10 weeks. She hadn't been sick for a couple of days and she really couldn't have been happier. She could only hope that the morning sickness was ending a little bit sooner.

She was sitting in the room getting ready. She was in her dress and getting her hair done. Linley asked, "Are you ready to be a married woman? Just another hour and you are going to be married to the future king of England."

Fallon took a deep breath and said, "I know. It's unbelievable."

"Are you feeling okay? Do you need anything? Anything I can do for you while you finish getting dressed."

"I'm fine. Thank you. I'm just ready to get married. I just want to see Arch. I haven't seen him all day. He was really jittery last night. What if he doesn't want to get married? What if he leaves me at the alter and doesn't want the baby? I don't think I can do this alone. I just don't know what I am going to do."

Sophia came over and said, "Oh, honey. My son is just so excited to marry you. That is why he was jittery. He has been texting Arabella all morning checking on you and making sure that you didn't run off on him. He will be there waiting for you. That is nothing you have to worry about."

"Oh good."

"He asked me to give this to you."

Sophia pulled a letter out and a box. Fallon opened the letter and it read:

My Dearest Fallon,

I can't begin to tell you how blessed I feel to be able to marry you and have children with you. I know that things were not meant to happen in this order, but I wouldn't trade them for anything. I can't wait to see you walk down the aisle to me soon. From then on I plan to walk this life together, through thick and thin.

I also wanted you to have something special for today. Inside you will fine a tiara. I wanted to make sure that you knew that you are and always will be my princess. Give Jellybean a good rub and I will see you both soon.

Deep breaths. Today all that matters is that by the end of the day I will be married to my soulmate. The little details mean nothing just as long as you are mine at the end of the day.

I love you. See you soon, beautiful.

Love Always and Forever,


At the end of the letter she was sobbing. She opened the box and gasped. It was a beautiful tiara. She could tell that Archer put a lot of thought into the tiara and she loved it even more for that.

Sophia said, "I begged him to have you wear my tiara for your ceremony, but he wouldn't have it. He wanted the first tiara you wore to be yours. I admire that. What do you think?"

"I love it. It is beautiful."

"Let's put that on you then. It's going to be time to get married soon."

Lilah came over and said, "Honey, you look beautiful. I can't believe my baby is getting married and having a baby of her own."

Fallon said, "Thank you. I'm just hoping that this baby holds off on any sickness. I haven't been sick for a couple of days. I just hope that doesn't mean that the baby doesn't want to wait until the middle of the wedding to show."

"I'm sure the baby knows it's a big day and will hold off today. If not we will all cover you."

"Thank you."

Carter stuck his head in the room and asked, "Is everyone decent? I was told that is was time to come get you. Are you ready to go get married?"

Fallon smiled and said, "I am more than ready. Let's get this going."

"Archer is ready for you. The poor guy is so nervous."

Everyone had left Carter and Fallon alone. As Carter took her arm he said, "There is still time for us to run."

Fallon shook her head and said, "No. I want nothing more than to be married to Archer. Please daddy, walk me to him."

"Your wish is my command, Princess." Carter led her down the aisle after everyone had taken their places. Of all the people and decorations in the room, the only thing Fallon saw was Archer crying as he watched her walk to him. All she could do was smile as she took his hand and the ceremony began.

Fallon was sitting next to Archer at the reception. She had her head on his shoulder and said, "We should probably go mingle with our guests."

"Are you okay? You look like you aren't feeling the best."

"Yeah. Just a little tired and my stomach is a little upset, but I just have to get through this to make sure that no one catches on that our baby is involved in our big day, too."

Archer kissed her and helped her to her feet. He whispered in her ear, "No one else can tell, but I see our baby growing. You are starting to show a little."

"I was hoping the bow would hide it."

"To anyone but me, babe. I can't wait until you don't need to hide our baby. Soon."

"Soon I won't be able to. Lets go mingle a while longer and then I'm going to take you home for the night. You need your rest."

The two of them walked around for a while longer and met those important to each other before calling it a night. Archer couldn't have been happier to be taking her home to the palace as his wife.

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