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Fallon was lying back in bed with her hair matted to her head with sweat. The nurse brought the babies over to her. She held out her arms took them both. She kissed both of their heads and said, "Hello my little princesses. I'm your mommy. I've waited so long to meet you."

Archer leaned over and kissed all three of them on the head, "Hello my girls. You have put your mommy through quite a lot in the last couple of days. I'm so happy to finally meet you. I can't wait until we can get you all home."

Fallon looked up Archer and said, "Please don't have me arrested for speaking against the future king. That was terrible. I didn't mean the things that I said. I wouldn't blame you if you wanted to divorce me and find someone else that speaks to you the way you should be spoken to."

Archer told her, "Look at me for a minute. I don't want you to think about it ever again. I'm lucky that you didn't kill me. You were in labor for 29 hours. That is a long time. You never took the epidural. You are a superstar. I'm so proud of you. Our girls are beautiful. It was surprising, but it was not terrible. I love you. I don't tell you that enough."

"I love you, too. It's time for you to hold your daughters. They are waiting to meet their daddy." The nurse helped to moved the babies to his arms.

He took one look at them and said, "They are more beautiful than I ever could have imagined. We made these little people."

"They are pretty special. These little people helped us get together. I love you." Archer leaned over and gave Fallon a kiss.

The nurse said, "Your highness, we need to take your daughters to run the normal tests to make sure their breathing is where it needs to be."

"Okay. I'll come with you. Can someone look at my hand?"

Fallon asked, "What is wrong with your hand?"

"It just hurts a little bit. Nothing to really worry about."

Another nurse came over and said, "Let me see it." Archer reluctantly showed her his bruising hand. The nurse took a look and said, "I would say it is sprained, but we will want to make sure that it isn't broken. Come with me. They will get the princess situated, your daughters checked out and you as well. We'll have all four of you back together soon."

Fallon asked, "Can you send in everyone? I can talk to them while you are getting checked out. I'm so sorry, baby."

Archer gave her one last kiss and said, "This is the least I could take after everything you went through."

Sophia, Douglas, Carter and Lilah all came in first. Lilah asked, "How are you feeling, sweetheart?"

Fallon sighed, "I am so much better now. They are not joking when they say labor hurts. But they are so worth it."

Sophia asked, "Where is my son?"

"About that... He went with the girls, but he also went to get checked out himself. I may have squeezed his hand a little too tight during the labor to the extent that it may be sprained or broken." She bit her lip and lowered her head. She felt terrible.

The group of adults laughed. Douglas said, "It will do him good. He'll survive."

Archer came back in the room with a cast on his arm and the nurse with the babies behind him. Fallon started sobbing when she saw him, "I am so sorry. Please don't arrest me for abuse. I didn't mean to hurt you."

Archer sat next to her on the bed, "Baby, it's okay. It wasn't on purpose. It isn't a big deal. I'm fine. I'll live. I just may not be as much help as I would like to be until I figure out how to do it all one handed."

Sophia asked, "Can you introduce us to our granddaughters? I can't wait any longer."

Fallon sat up and said, "Meet Daisy Kate and Winnie Grace. Daisy is just a bit bigger than Winnie is. We haven't had much time to find any other differences yet."

All four of them huddled around the babies and looked at them. They couldn't get over how cute they were and how perfect they were.

Once the parents had left Arabella, Linley, Henry, Katie, Ella, Logan and Jake came in to meet the new members of the family. Arabella squealed and said, "They are perfect! I can't wait to spoil them rotten. I am finally an auntie."

Fallon smiled, "They are going to love to be with Auntie Arie just as much as we do."

Linley said, "My best friend is a mommy. I can't believe it. We are officially old. I can't wait to get these girls home and love on them. Now hand them over." The small group started handing the newest princesses around the room.

Archer sat next to Fallon and wrapped his arm around her. He said, "This is perfect. Our girls are so loved already. They are going to have so many people that will be there to love and support them."

"We are some pretty blessed people, don't you think? We have such a supportive family. We have the perfect girls. It's all just the way that it should be."

"Now we just have to get the three of you home. Then we can start our life. Are you still okay with the standing on the steps for pictures? We don't have to."

"I think that is fine. Maybe that will calm people down for a little bit. What about a formal announcement of their names on Instagram with a picture of each after we stand on the steps? That way we are in charge of what the world knows and when they find it out. That way there is no reason for anyone to be chasing us around for the first few days if we put out the pictures ourselves. No one will be able to fight over who gets to release the first pictures."

"I think that sounds perfect. We should be able to get you all home tomorrow. I can't wait to start our new normal." He gave her another kiss as they watched their family fawn over their babies.

Fallon loved watching her brothers with her daughters. She couldn't wait to see them be fathers themselves. She couldn't believe how fast everything was changing, but she wouldn't have changed a thing about any of it.

A Vacation to RememberWhere stories live. Discover now