Who Are You?

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A/n okay so no the visor don't line up perfectly with this story but this is basically how I think Dahlia is.

I when I woke up it was not like in the stories when you wake up fast like your being scared out of a bad dream. There is no quick breath then instantly everything is fine. No waking up after being knocked out is slow and pain full. My hearing came back first. I would hear the camp but it sounded father away then it should be. My eyes started to slowly open but my vision was still completely blurry. When the light hit my eyes it blinded me at first. The pain in the back of my head was not helping. I felt like my head had been cracked open. The pressure was so bad I could not open my eyes all the way. I looked around and from what I could see I was inside the drop ship.

How did I get in here? I thought.

Then I remembered what happened.

"Murphy." I said as I tried to move which was a mistake in more than one way.

When I went to stand my head hurt so much that I became dizzy and thought I was going to pass out. I then reached up trying to grab my head when I was pulled back hitting the front of my head to the poll in front of me.

I looked down at my hands and saw that I was tied to something. I tried to focus my eyes so I could see better. It took a few seconds to adjust then I saw that my hands where bonded together by some rope and tied around a pipe.

"What the?" I asked as I tried to pull away from the pipe.

"You should stop that before you hurt yourself." A voice said from behind me.

I recognized that voice it was Octavia. I slowly turned around as much as I could. If looks could kill she would be dead rite now.

"Why the hell am I tied up?" I snapped at her.

"Because you took out five of our people. Bellamy had to hit you over the head with a log to stop you before you killed someone." She answered from across the room.

"Bellamy is the one who hit me?" I asked.

I could not believe it. I thought he was my friend. Especially after the cave. Talk about stabbing me in the back.

"Yep." She replied.

"Are you going to untie me?" I asked her.

"No. Bell told me to leave you there until he gets back." She told me.

"Back from where?" I asked her.

She did not answer me she just looked at the wall.

"Where is your brother Octavia?" I asked.

"He's looking for Murphy." She answered.

I relaxed a little but only a little. Murphy was alive but if Bellamy was looking for him that could change at any moment.

I struggled against the rope that bond me. I could feel my skin getting red and raw from the struggle. So I stopped I needed to get my blade out of my boot.

"Murphy's alive?" I asked her.

"Yes. Your crazy boyfriend is alive." She snapped back at me.

I reached down into my boot. I did not like that she called him that.

"I have your knife." She said to me as she held it up to show me.

"Cut me loose and give that back." I told her as I wiggled my other foot around.

I smiled when I felt my other blades still in my left boot. They did not even think to look there.

She looked back at me and was obviously thrown by my smile.

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