Keep Going

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Dahlia's POV

We were running through the woods. Frantically trying to find our way home. We had been running for so long that my lungs were burning but we all knew we could not stop. We had to get back to worn everyone.

"This doesn't look right." Finn said as he stopped running and started looking around.

"We have to keep going." I told him.

"I'm going to go out on a limb and say food." I answered her.

Finn walked over to the stream we were standing next to and started washing the blood off his hands. Clarke goes over and tries to calm him down, and let him know he only did what he had to. He responded by telling her he loved her. I watched for her response not being able to control my curiosity and was happy when she rolled her eyes and said nothing.

"You broke my heart. I'm sorry." She finally responded.

"No you're not sorry." I told her. "And let's go." I told FInn.

Before either of them could respond there was a distant explosion. From how loud it was it must have been big.

"It came from camp." Finn said.

"Were too late." Clarke responded.

I took off running and the other two quickly followed.

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