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I walked along next to Dahlia a few feet behind Clarke and Finn while Wells and Bellamy took up the rear.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Dahlia asked me.

"Me? You're the ones who are talking about cutting off her hand." She responded to me.

"I did not say that. Bellamy did." I responded knowing it did not make a difference.

"Your right you just responded with a smile like he offered you a puppy." She said to me.

I could not help but laugh at her.

"You don't even know what a puppy is." I told her.

"Really Murphy, Really? I love you and all but I don't like you when you're around him." She told me.

I did not know if I should be offended or not. Then at the same time I could not ignore the butterflies that were flying around my stomach. I did not know what was wrong with me.

"He's really not that bad." I told her, not shore if I was trying to convince her or myself.

"You're really not this stupid." She told me.

After walking for a while we came across a wet Clarke and Finn. They said they found blood and Finn wants us to follow him up the stream. We have been walking for a few minutes and had come across nothing.

"Hey how do you know this is the right way?" I asked.

"We don't. Spacewalker thinks he's a tracker." Bellamy said.

"It's called "cutting sign."" Finn responded.

"Fourth year earth skills, he's good." Wells said.

"You want to keep it down. Don't want to paint targets on your backs?" Finn snapped.

He stopped walking and looked at a bush. A small branch on it was broken. He then lent down and pointed out a small drop of blood.


"See? You're invisible." I herd Bellamy say to Wells.

I wondered what they were talking about but did not have the time to ask.

That's when we heard it. It sounded like a moan of some kind.

"What the hell was that?" I asked.

"Now would be a good time to take out your gun." Clarke told Bellamy.

He listened to her pulled out his gun and we started towered the noise.

"Jasper." Clarke called out.

Once I mad it threw the trees I saw him. He was maybe fifteen feet shirtless and tied up to a tree and left to die.

I looked over to Dahlia and she looked utterly in pain. I don't know when she had become friends with him but at some point it must have happened because she really seemed to care about him. I did not know how I felt about this. Jasper was defiantly not intimidating in any way. I would be okay with Dahlia hanging around him. That's if he lives through this.

"Oh my god." Clarke said as she started towered him.

"Clarke be careful." Finn told her as he tried to reach for her arm.

"Jasper?" She called ass she started to run.

I looked back to Dahlia to see she was almost frozen in place then to Bellamy who was shoving his gun back into the back of his pants.

"What the hell is this?" Bellamy asked from right behind Clarke.

At that moment there was a loud cracking nose and then Clarke disappeared. She screamed as she fell out of sight into the ground. It took me a second to realize what was going on but it looked like the grounders set a trap. A trap that almost caught Clarke but Bellamy caught her.

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