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I was trying to get some sleep but like everyone else in camp I kept getting woken up by Jasper. His moaning and screaming has kept everyone awake for the last three days. Clarke and Monty almost never left his side. They truly believed that he was going to get better. Dahlia would go whenever Bellamy did not need us but I did not like her staying there to long every time she would go she would come back in tears and would not talk to me for hours. I tried to force myself to go back to sleep considering it was still dark outside but people had finally had enough and had started yelling back every time he screamed.

"Shut up!"

"Die already!" People were yelling from their tents.

At this moment I realized Dahlia was awake because she let out a loud moan all her own.

"What the fuck are wrong with you people?" She yelled back.

They must have recognized her voice because the yelling stopped. In the last three days people had learned not to question her or him.

Jasper started to scream again. This time Dahlia sat up no longer able to ignore him. I could tell by her face she was worried. I could see her internal struggle. She was trying to decide if she wanted to go back to the drop ship or stay here and try to pretend like one of her friends was not dying. Every time he screamed it seemed like it was causing her physical pain. Her four head would scrunch, her eyes would close, and her jaw would tighten. The emotional pain this was causing her was become too much for me to handle.

"Dahlia, you have to tell them he's not going to make it." I told her.

"I don't want to talk about this Murphy." She answered.

I knew she did not because it's not the first time I had brought it up. The guy was suffering because Clarke and friends felt too guilty to let him die.

"But someone has to. He's not going to make it Dahlia. I'm sorry but it's the truth. There not strong enough to admit it but you are. Someone needs to talk some sense into them." I told her.

She was silent for a few seconds she did not even seem to move. It was almost as if she was holding her breath.

"Go to sleep Murphy." She told me.

"I'll try." I answer.

It took some time but eventually I was able to fall back to sleep. At some point during the night I felt my bed move and the cold empty space next to me became a little bit wormer. I pretended like it did not wake me up. Like I did not know she had just crawled into my bed. This had become a thing with her. Every night she would wake from one of her nightmares and when she was shore I was asleep she would join me in my bed. The first two times it happened it surprised me but I learned from bringing it up that she liked it better if I just pretended to be asleep.

She would make shore to never touch me; she would just lie next to me. Sometimes like in this particular moment I found myself wishing that she would move in a little closer. Then every morning before I woke up she would get up and move back to her bed. We never talked about it. We had an understanding. She could not sleep at night alone but did not want it to become weird so we just pretended like it never happened. Not that it was a big deal we had shared beds all the time during sleep overs when we were kids.

I could feel the sun shining on my face from the cut at the top of the tent. The heat from the sun was warm on my skin. I did not have to open my eyes to know that Dahlia was still in the bed with me. I could feel her back touching mine. A chill ran through my body, even this little bit of physical contact was strange. Not that we never touched but she always made shore not to touch me while we slept. I tilted my head over so I could see her and she was still asleep. She must have been up late last night. She was always awake before dawn.

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