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I was out with John checking the perimeter of camp when one of the kids next to me noticed the fog. Everyone was looking to me for answers like I was supposed to know what the hell it was. I had no idea. I did not realize it was dangerous until it got closer and one of the kids farther out started to cough and the fog seemed to be burning him.

Him and his friend started to run back towards camp.

"Everyone in the drop ship." I yelled.

The camp instantly started running around. Everyone listening to my command. It was not until I was about a foot in front of the ship that the realization hit me. The hunting party was not back yet. Dahlia was still out there. I knew I had to get in the drop ship but I was rooted in this spot. I could not move could not think.

What if she came back and we locked her out? What if she does not make it back?

The tightening of my chest had almost become unbearable. I was going to lose her, the thought alone was almost enough to kill me. I did not even realize I had moved but apparently I had started to run towards the woods. I had to find dahlia. I felt strong arms wrap around me pulling me back words.

"What are you doing?" Miller asked he was the one who had stopped me.

I fought against him but John had joined him into pulling me into the ship.

"Murphy, stop we need to get inside." John said.

I could not form words or thoughts, I was completely panicking. I needed to find her.

"Dahlia!" I yelled out hoping I would hear her respond so I knew she was okay.

The two of them managed to pull me inside.

"Close the doors and windows!" Miller yells as he still struggles with me.

I can see the kids starting to run around frantically but all I can focus on is the closing door. I could not let them shut that door. I know Bellamy left me in charge but I needed to find her.

Figures Bellamy leaves me in charge and were all going to be killed by yellow fog.

I got away from them and almost made it out side when John came at me from behind and tackled me down to the ground.

"I have to shut the doors." Miller said to me.

I saw the doors start to close and I reached out to try to stop it. A little bit of the fog got in and burnt the tip of my fingers. I pulled back and grabbed my hand. The sound of the doors shutting seemed to defining to me. I had failed Dahlia was out there somewhere in that fog. I should not have let her go.

I did not realize that at some point I had fallen to my knees. It was when Miller came and sat down next to me that I realized I was kneeling in front of the drop ship door holding my hand. I had no control over the few silent tears that fell from my eyes.

"I'm shore she's fine. She's smart and strong. Plus she's with Bellamy. They found some where to ride this out." He told me trying to comfort me.

"We don't even know if she found the hunting party. She left after they did." I told him.

"Murphy Dahlia is one of the most stubborn people I have ever met; it's going to take a lot more than some acid fog to take her out." He told me as he patted me on the back.

He got up and walked away leaving me alone. I hoped more than anything that he was rite.

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