A Little Bit of Chaos

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About had a week had passed sense the acid fog incident. Clarke had been forcing me and Jasper to stay in the drop ship. Only letting us wonder around camp for a short period of times. It was really getting annoyed I wanted to be able to do what I wanted when I wanted and Clarke was being very strict with me and Jasper about what we should do. The only good thing about being locked in the drop ship day and night was I did not have to see or talk to Murphy.

He had come by the next morning after out fight to see how I was after they found Wells body. I could not say it went as he had hoped. I was so upset after what had happened. I had only talked to him about a few hours before he died. I had told him to be careful and he told me he would see me in the morning. I never got to see him again. So when Murphy forced himself into the drop ship to try to comfort me about it I was pissed. I ended up yelling at him that he did not even like Wells. I said something along the lines of to stop pretending to care that his dead. He yelled back at me and then Clarke ended up kicking him out. I had been avoiding him sense.

I knew that Murphy had nothing to do with what happened to Wells the grounders killed him. But I could not get the memory out of my head of all the times Murphy had said he was going to kill Wells.

It made me angry when I looked at him knowing that for the first time in my life we were not on the same page. That he did not feel the same way as me.

I finally decided that today was the day I was going to go outside and visit Wells grave. No one was going to stop me. I was not completely healed but Clarke had lessened up the wraps a little and I was able to move around more. The pain on the other hand had worsened as my skin had started to heal. Every time I moved my scabbed over back would rub against my clothes and I felt like my back was going to fall off.

I walked out of the drop ship and out through the front gates. When I made my way over to the graves I saw Clarke kneeling in front of the last grave in the line.

I walked over to her and she did not even hear me approach. It was not until I was standing right next to her that she noticed me. I looked down and saw a little patch of blue, purplish flowers planted at the foot of the grave.

She looked up to me she looked so sad.

"You should be in bed." She said to me when she looked away.

"I have been in bed for a week. I wanted to visit Wells." I told her.

"You have not come here yet?" She asked me like it was a surprise.

"No I have had some crazy doctor who refuses to let me outside." I told her.

She laughed a little behind her sobs.

"When was the last time you talked to him?" She asked me.

"That night. He came by to visit me in the drop ship before he went on watch. He told me he would see me in the morning." I told her and was surprised that I started to cry.

I told her completely leaving out the fact that he and Murphy had got into a fight.

"I miss him." She said.

"I miss him to." I replied.

We spent a few minutes in silence until we heard someone approach us. Before I even had a chance to react Clarke pulled out her knife and spun around ready to attack whoever it was. It was only Finn.

"You should not be out here alone." He said to her.

"She's not alone." I told him.

"No offense Dahlia but you're not really in fighting shape. So it kind of is. What if I was grounder? They got Wells just outside the walls." He told her still completely ignoring me.

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